1、LeBron James' Cavaliers won a close game in Cleveland on the Lakers last road trip, with many media outlets heralding James' stellar defensive job on Bryant down the stretch.───勒布朗-詹姆斯领衔的骑士队曾在上次湖人客场之旅中击败湖人,那场比赛赛后很多媒体盛赞詹姆斯对科比的成功防守。
2、I think they've done a stellar job.───我认为他们完成了一项旷日持久的工作。
3、He does a stellar job and is rewarded with his teacher's words of praise.───他出色完成任务,并得到老师的称赞。
4、They do a far less stellar job of transforming prose-oriented and linear-oriented XML documents.───散文和面向线性的 XML 文档的转换,它们则显得苍白无力。
5、They do a far less stellar job of transforming prose-oriented and linear-oriented XML documents.───对于面向散文和面向线性的XML文档的转换,它们则显得苍白无力。
stellar job(意思翻译)
stellar job(相似词语短语)
1、stellar reddit───恒星红
2、stellar classification───恒星分类
3、stellar lumens───恒星腔
4、stellar definition───恒星定义
5、stellar mls───恒星mls
7、stellar transformation───恒星变换
8、stellar bitraser───咬伤
stellar job(双语使用场景)
1、LeBron James' Cavaliers won a close game in Cleveland on the Lakers last road trip, with many media outlets heralding James' stellar defensive job on Bryant down the stretch.───勒布朗-詹姆斯领衔的骑士队曾在上次湖人客场之旅中击败湖人,那场比赛赛后很多媒体盛赞詹姆斯对科比的成功防守。
2、I think they've done a stellar job.───我认为他们完成了一项旷日持久的工作。
3、He does a stellar job and is rewarded with his teacher's words of praise.───他出色完成任务,并得到老师的称赞。
4、They do a far less stellar job of transforming prose-oriented and linear-oriented XML documents.───散文和面向线性的 XML 文档的转换,它们则显得苍白无力。
5、They do a far less stellar job of transforming prose-oriented and linear-oriented XML documents.───对于面向散文和面向线性的XML文档的转换,它们则显得苍白无力。