1、After extended and improved, RRT generates local targets and new states with special iterative way to get close to whole goal state.───结合算法用特定的跌代方法不断产生新状态节点,以趋近全局目标状态来完成规划任务。
2、Determine the goal state maturity levels by considering the required 'level of service and SOA maturity necessary to achieve the stated business goals.───通过考虑实现业务目标需要的服务和soa成熟度级别确定目标状态成熟度级别。
3、A mathematical problem is composed of the initial state, the goal state and the rules of problem solving.───一个数学问题由初始状态、目标状态和解题规则组成。
4、That meant starting with the initial state, reasoning forward until the goal state was reached.───即从初始状态出发,向前推理到达目标状态为止。
5、large-scale changes, for example, designing a support mechanism that bridges the current state and the goal state, to ease the change.───例如:为了易于变化,要设计一个支持机制,来为当前的状态和要达到的目标状态搭建一个桥梁。
6、Help identify a road map for achieving the desired service maturity goal state.───确定用于实现理想的服务成熟度目标状态的路线图。
goal state(英语使用场景)
1、That meant starting with the initial state, reasoning forward until the goal state was reached.
2、large-scale changes, for example, designing a support mechanism that bridges the current state and the goal state, to ease the change.
3、The experiments on Maze problem show that COSTRLA has better performance than the classical reinforcement learning algorithm for solving goal state problem.
4、So the start-up operation procedure can be taken as finding the optimal operation path from various existing paths, and making the system transfer from the given initial state to the goal state.
5、After extended and improved, RRT generates local targets and new states with special iterative way to get close to whole goal state.
6、Determine the goal state maturity levels by considering the required 'level of service and SOA maturity necessary to achieve the stated business goals.
7、A mathematical problem is composed of the initial state, the goal state and the rules of problem solving.
goal state(意思翻译)
goal state(相似词语短语)
1、smart goal───聪明的目标;明智的目标
2、goal oriented───目标指向
4、delegating goal───授权目标
5、UF Goal───UF目标
6、language goal───语言目标
7、goal weight───目标权重
8、eventual goal───最终目标
9、own goal───影响本身利益的错误行为;误中本队球门;n.误中本队球门,影响本身利益的错误行为; 乌龙球
goal state(双语使用场景)
1、After extended and improved, RRT generates local targets and new states with special iterative way to get close to whole goal state.───结合算法用特定的跌代方法不断产生新状态节点,以趋近全局目标状态来完成规划任务。
2、Determine the goal state maturity levels by considering the required 'level of service and SOA maturity necessary to achieve the stated business goals.───通过考虑实现业务目标需要的服务和soa成熟度级别确定目标状态成熟度级别。
3、A mathematical problem is composed of the initial state, the goal state and the rules of problem solving.───一个数学问题由初始状态、目标状态和解题规则组成。
4、That meant starting with the initial state, reasoning forward until the goal state was reached.───即从初始状态出发,向前推理到达目标状态为止。
5、large-scale changes, for example, designing a support mechanism that bridges the current state and the goal state, to ease the change.───例如:为了易于变化,要设计一个支持机制,来为当前的状态和要达到的目标状态搭建一个桥梁。
6、Help identify a road map for achieving the desired service maturity goal state.───确定用于实现理想的服务成熟度目标状态的路线图。
goal state(英语使用场景)
1、That meant starting with the initial state, reasoning forward until the goal state was reached.
2、large-scale changes, for example, designing a support mechanism that bridges the current state and the goal state, to ease the change.
3、The experiments on Maze problem show that COSTRLA has better performance than the classical reinforcement learning algorithm for solving goal state problem.
4、So the start-up operation procedure can be taken as finding the optimal operation path from various existing paths, and making the system transfer from the given initial state to the goal state.
5、After extended and improved, RRT generates local targets and new states with special iterative way to get close to whole goal state.
6、Determine the goal state maturity levels by considering the required 'level of service and SOA maturity necessary to achieve the stated business goals.
7、A mathematical problem is composed of the initial state, the goal state and the rules of problem solving.