1、Only “The Golden Stairs” is currently on show, though “King Cophetua” will be brought out of storage in Tate Britain’s grand celebration of the Pre-Raphaelites in September 2012.───目前在展出的只有《金色阶梯》,2012年9月泰特英国美术馆将举办拉斐尔前派的盛大庆祝活动,届时《科菲杜阿王》将和人们见面。
2、So they hunted him all day, but at the approach of sunset the king said to the hunter who had followed the fawn the day before, Come and show me the little cottage.───于是他们围猎了他一整天,但是快到太阳落山的时候国王对先前跟着牡鹿的一整天的猎人们说,“走吧,带我去看看那个小屋。”
3、Piers is utterly thrilled by the prospect of the deal and knows that taking over the Larry king show means that something will have to give.───皮尔斯对这个交易的前景很兴奋,而且也知道接替拉里?金叶意味着要放弃很多东西。
4、the great 'Lion King' show───精彩的狮王表演
5、Do not forget your dying king. Show this world this is still a government of the people, by the people and for the people.───不要忘记,你们垂死的国王,让全世界知道,这仍然是一个民有、民治、民享的政府。
6、Horatio and Hamlet saw the king show every sign of fear and anger.───荷瑞修和哈姆雷特看到国王显露出种种害怕、愤怒的迹象。
7、Where did they watch The Lion King show?───他们是在哪里看的狮子王表演
8、Piers is utterly thrilled by the prospect of the deal and knows that taking over the Larry King show means that something will have to give.───皮尔斯对这个交易的前景很兴奋,而且也知道接替拉里-金叶意味着要放弃很多东西。
king show(意思翻译)
king show(相似词语短语)
1、show show───表演秀
2、king of king───王者之王
4、show show show───秀秀秀
5、monkey king───美猴王,孙悟空
6、show show time───演出时间
7、king cobra───扁颈眼镜蛇;眼镜王蛇
8、m king───vt.打昙
king show(双语使用场景)
1、Only “The Golden Stairs” is currently on show, though “King Cophetua” will be brought out of storage in Tate Britain’s grand celebration of the Pre-Raphaelites in September 2012.───目前在展出的只有《金色阶梯》,2012年9月泰特英国美术馆将举办拉斐尔前派的盛大庆祝活动,届时《科菲杜阿王》将和人们见面。
2、So they hunted him all day, but at the approach of sunset the king said to the hunter who had followed the fawn the day before, Come and show me the little cottage.───于是他们围猎了他一整天,但是快到太阳落山的时候国王对先前跟着牡鹿的一整天的猎人们说,“走吧,带我去看看那个小屋。”
3、Piers is utterly thrilled by the prospect of the deal and knows that taking over the Larry king show means that something will have to give.───皮尔斯对这个交易的前景很兴奋,而且也知道接替拉里?金叶意味着要放弃很多东西。
4、the great 'Lion King' show───精彩的狮王表演
5、Do not forget your dying king. Show this world this is still a government of the people, by the people and for the people.───不要忘记,你们垂死的国王,让全世界知道,这仍然是一个民有、民治、民享的政府。
6、Horatio and Hamlet saw the king show every sign of fear and anger.───荷瑞修和哈姆雷特看到国王显露出种种害怕、愤怒的迹象。
7、Where did they watch The Lion King show?───他们是在哪里看的狮子王表演
8、Piers is utterly thrilled by the prospect of the deal and knows that taking over the Larry King show means that something will have to give.───皮尔斯对这个交易的前景很兴奋,而且也知道接替拉里-金叶意味着要放弃很多东西。