1、Test results show that the wider the instrument range is, the higher its accuracy and the better its other performances will be.───实验数据表明量程愈大,精度可以做得愈高,各方面性能亦更好。
2、Missile Alternative Range Target Instrument is similar in size and geometry to a ballistic missile, but with a section of sensors to record and measure the laser performance.───DaoDan仪器替代远程目标是以弹道DaoDan的相似大小和几何形状,但包括一系列传感器来记录和测量激光性能。
3、Military OLED applications range from wearable electronic displays, including visor-mounted displays, to high-contrast automotive instrument panels and windshield displays.───军事oled的应用范围从可穿戴电子显示屏,包括面罩、头盔显示器到高对比度的汽车仪表板和挡风玻璃显示屏。
instrument range(意思翻译)
instrument range(相似词语短语)
1、mountain range───山脉; 山峦; 岭
2、precision instrument───精密工具;[仪]精密仪器
5、continuo instrument───连续仪器
6、gas range───瓦斯炉具;煤气灶
7、violoncello range───大提琴架
8、stringed instrument───弦乐器
9、kitchen range───厨房炉灶
instrument range(双语使用场景)
1、Test results show that the wider the instrument range is, the higher its accuracy and the better its other performances will be.───实验数据表明量程愈大,精度可以做得愈高,各方面性能亦更好。
2、Missile Alternative Range Target Instrument is similar in size and geometry to a ballistic missile, but with a section of sensors to record and measure the laser performance.───DaoDan仪器替代远程目标是以弹道DaoDan的相似大小和几何形状,但包括一系列传感器来记录和测量激光性能。
3、Military OLED applications range from wearable electronic displays, including visor-mounted displays, to high-contrast automotive instrument panels and windshield displays.───军事oled的应用范围从可穿戴电子显示屏,包括面罩、头盔显示器到高对比度的汽车仪表板和挡风玻璃显示屏。