1、If you look at the separations between consecutive colors, these are the level curves of a function that tells you the temperature at a given point.───如果你们观察在连续颜色之间的分色,那些就是一个函数的等高线,它们告诉你在某一个给定点的温度。
2、Jackson made consecutive 3-pointers and the Kings hit eight of their first 11 shots from the field in the second quarter while building a 21-point lead.───Jackson连续投进三分球,国王队在第二节中投11中8而取得21分的领先。
3、The first style, linespoints, is generally useful when plotting data. It marks a point at each sample or data point considered, and connects consecutive points using linear interpolation.───第一种样式linespoints通常在对数据绘图时非常有用,它在涉及的每个示例或数据点处标记一个点,并使用线性插值法连接连续的点。
consecutive point(意思翻译)
consecutive point(相似词语短语)
1、consecutive days───连续营业日;连续作业日;连续作业日,连续营业日
2、successive consecutive───连续连续
3、consecutive angles───连续角度
4、consecutive number───连续号;连续整数;编号
5、consecutive day───连续日
6、consecutive integer───连续的整数
7、consecutive meaning───动态平均
8、consecutive interior───连续内部
consecutive point(双语使用场景)
1、If you look at the separations between consecutive colors, these are the level curves of a function that tells you the temperature at a given point.───如果你们观察在连续颜色之间的分色,那些就是一个函数的等高线,它们告诉你在某一个给定点的温度。
2、Jackson made consecutive 3-pointers and the Kings hit eight of their first 11 shots from the field in the second quarter while building a 21-point lead.───Jackson连续投进三分球,国王队在第二节中投11中8而取得21分的领先。
3、The first style, linespoints, is generally useful when plotting data. It marks a point at each sample or data point considered, and connects consecutive points using linear interpolation.───第一种样式linespoints通常在对数据绘图时非常有用,它在涉及的每个示例或数据点处标记一个点,并使用线性插值法连接连续的点。