1、At the same time, China's retail dairy farming mode about 70% of dairy cattle breeding aspect of abuse of antibiotics has not been improved.───同时,中国的零售奶牛饲养模式的70对奶牛养殖方面的滥用抗生素牛%没有改善。
2、We will conscientiously implement policies and measures to boost pig production, dairy farming and oilseed production.───认真落实支持生猪、奶业、油料发展的政策措施。
3、Dutch peasants were able to remain unaffected by this crisis for a long time because they had specialized in dairy farming, industrial crops, and horticulture.───荷兰的农民能够在很长一段时间内不受这场危机的影响,因为他们专门从事于奶牛养殖、工业作物和园艺的工作。
4、Projects include dairy farming; Ranch facilities; dairy ingredients, processing, packaging equipment and a variety of dairy enterprises.───项目涵盖奶牛养殖;牧场设施;乳制品配料、加工、包装设备及各种乳制品企业等。
5、Cadbury's Guide to Low Carbon Dairy Farming deserves recognition for two reasons.───百利的低碳乳品业指南值得肯定是由于两个原因。
6、In addition to dairy farming and cultivating industrial crops, a third sector of the Dutch economy reflected the way in which agriculture was being modernized—horticulture.───除了奶牛养殖和工业作物种植,荷兰经济的第三部分反映了农业现代化的方式——园艺。
7、Which province has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada Quebec has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada.───那个省有加拿大最大的乳牧业魁北克省。
8、A country suited to dairy farming is no longer self-sufficient in milk. We're importing the stuff.───一个适宜养殖奶牛的国家,牛奶无法自给,已经开始依赖进口了。
9、Alpine Milk: Everyday Technologies of Dairy Farming in the Context of a Pre-modern Strategy of Land Use.───阿尔卑斯的牛奶:在前现代土地使用策略下奶场的日常技术。
dairy farming(英语使用场景)
1、They live together on a lushly beautiful dairy farm.
2、Most equipment on the dairy farm was purchased with the worker's own earnings.
3、Dairy farms predominate in Sussex.
4、The house, dairy, farm buildings, walled garden and orchard show what life there was like eighty years ago.
5、With Marjorie, she rented a tiny cottage at the edge of a dairy farm in Dorset, Vermont.
6、This makes the area unsuitable for dairy farming where a constant supply of lush summer grass is essential.
7、The prince has just finished a month as a £5-an-hour hand at a West Country dairy farm.
8、In 1915 the farm was taken over by Fauchons who ran it as a dairy farm.
9、The most extensive tracts are taken up by five dairy farms.
dairy farming(意思翻译)
dairy farming(相似词语短语)
1、dairy free───不含乳制品
2、arable farming───耕作农业;作物栽培
4、fur farming───毛皮兽饲养;毛皮兽场
5、dairy entry───乳制品入口
7、felstone farming───费尔斯通农场
8、dairy milk───乳制品
9、dairy cows───n.奶牛;乳牛
dairy farming(双语使用场景)
1、At the same time, China's retail dairy farming mode about 70% of dairy cattle breeding aspect of abuse of antibiotics has not been improved.───同时,中国的零售奶牛饲养模式的70对奶牛养殖方面的滥用抗生素牛%没有改善。
2、We will conscientiously implement policies and measures to boost pig production, dairy farming and oilseed production.───认真落实支持生猪、奶业、油料发展的政策措施。
3、Dutch peasants were able to remain unaffected by this crisis for a long time because they had specialized in dairy farming, industrial crops, and horticulture.───荷兰的农民能够在很长一段时间内不受这场危机的影响,因为他们专门从事于奶牛养殖、工业作物和园艺的工作。
4、Projects include dairy farming; Ranch facilities; dairy ingredients, processing, packaging equipment and a variety of dairy enterprises.───项目涵盖奶牛养殖;牧场设施;乳制品配料、加工、包装设备及各种乳制品企业等。
5、Cadbury's Guide to Low Carbon Dairy Farming deserves recognition for two reasons.───百利的低碳乳品业指南值得肯定是由于两个原因。
6、In addition to dairy farming and cultivating industrial crops, a third sector of the Dutch economy reflected the way in which agriculture was being modernized—horticulture.───除了奶牛养殖和工业作物种植,荷兰经济的第三部分反映了农业现代化的方式——园艺。
7、Which province has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada Quebec has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada.───那个省有加拿大最大的乳牧业魁北克省。
8、A country suited to dairy farming is no longer self-sufficient in milk. We're importing the stuff.───一个适宜养殖奶牛的国家,牛奶无法自给,已经开始依赖进口了。
9、Alpine Milk: Everyday Technologies of Dairy Farming in the Context of a Pre-modern Strategy of Land Use.───阿尔卑斯的牛奶:在前现代土地使用策略下奶场的日常技术。
dairy farming(英语使用场景)
1、They live together on a lushly beautiful dairy farm.
2、Most equipment on the dairy farm was purchased with the worker's own earnings.
3、Dairy farms predominate in Sussex.
4、The house, dairy, farm buildings, walled garden and orchard show what life there was like eighty years ago.
5、With Marjorie, she rented a tiny cottage at the edge of a dairy farm in Dorset, Vermont.
6、This makes the area unsuitable for dairy farming where a constant supply of lush summer grass is essential.
7、The prince has just finished a month as a £5-an-hour hand at a West Country dairy farm.
8、In 1915 the farm was taken over by Fauchons who ran it as a dairy farm.
9、The most extensive tracts are taken up by five dairy farms.