1、success is high for HP. It must not only show a compelling product in an area where it is the umpteenth player, it has to establish a new platform.───惠普而言,成功的距离还有很远,他们不仅必须以目前的半草根身份推出一款具备竞争力的产品,而且还需要确立一款新的产品平台。
2、platform emulates the menu key, which is replaced by the overflow menu in the Action Bar in the new UI.───平台模仿菜单模式,在新的UI中该模式被动作工具条的溢出菜单所替代。
3、Games can be grouped an filtered by platform, genre, or year, and will even aggregate data and display statistics in bar or pie charts.───游戏可以通过通过平台、体裁、年限等来分组和过滤,甚至将会使用条形图和饼图来展示合并数据和统计信息。
bar platform(意思翻译)
bar platform(相似词语短语)
1、arrival platform───(火车)到站月台
2、democratic platform───民主纲领
3、platform key───平台钥匙
4、excarnation platform───挖掘平台
5、vibrating platform───振动台
7、bar bar bar───吧台吧台
8、cambium platform───形成层台地
9、finlife platform───finlife平台
bar platform(双语使用场景)
1、success is high for HP. It must not only show a compelling product in an area where it is the umpteenth player, it has to establish a new platform.───惠普而言,成功的距离还有很远,他们不仅必须以目前的半草根身份推出一款具备竞争力的产品,而且还需要确立一款新的产品平台。
2、platform emulates the menu key, which is replaced by the overflow menu in the Action Bar in the new UI.───平台模仿菜单模式,在新的UI中该模式被动作工具条的溢出菜单所替代。
3、Games can be grouped an filtered by platform, genre, or year, and will even aggregate data and display statistics in bar or pie charts.───游戏可以通过通过平台、体裁、年限等来分组和过滤,甚至将会使用条形图和饼图来展示合并数据和统计信息。