1、Though it might turn some people off, I would be fine receiving an email with this sign-off, knowing the sender lives in an informal milieu.───尽管他可能使一些人反感,但是我收到用这个结尾的邮件时感觉挺好,因为我知道这个发件人在非正式的环境下生活。
2、sender USES its own private key to digitally sign the message that is to be sent.───发送方使用自己的私钥数字签署要发送的消息。
3、It'd be great to be able to do the same type of thing using asymmetric encryption, where the client has its own certificate (especially when you want to sign messages for sender verification).───能够使用非对称加密处理同类型的事情就太好了,其中客户端有自己的证书(特别是当您想要签署发送者证书消息时)。
sign sender(意思翻译)
sign sender(相似词语短语)
1、the sign───标志
2、sender name───发件人姓名
3、pisces sign───双鱼座
4、zodiac sign───星座;生肖;黄道十二宫
5、click sender───单击“发件人”
6、prohibitory sign───禁止标志
7、degree sign───学位标志
9、positive sign───n.(数)正号,加号(同plussign);n.正号
sign sender(双语使用场景)
1、Though it might turn some people off, I would be fine receiving an email with this sign-off, knowing the sender lives in an informal milieu.───尽管他可能使一些人反感,但是我收到用这个结尾的邮件时感觉挺好,因为我知道这个发件人在非正式的环境下生活。
2、sender USES its own private key to digitally sign the message that is to be sent.───发送方使用自己的私钥数字签署要发送的消息。
3、It'd be great to be able to do the same type of thing using asymmetric encryption, where the client has its own certificate (especially when you want to sign messages for sender verification).───能够使用非对称加密处理同类型的事情就太好了,其中客户端有自己的证书(特别是当您想要签署发送者证书消息时)。