1、This is achieved by heating above the alloy's transformation temperature, then applying a cooling cycle which provides maximum softness.───这种处理是把合金加热到其相变温度以上,再进行循环冷却以使硬度下降最大。
2、According to the two problems of their poor toughness and high cost prices, Al alloy's turning bows are changed.───针对铝合金转子弓韧性较差和成本高的问题,改装了转子弓。
3、Increasing the intensity of the alloy's skeleton could obviously improve the mechanical properties of the alloys.───指出提高多孔镁合金材料骨架部分强度可显著改善其力学性能。
4、changes of corrosion resistance of alloy owe to the variations of quantity and distribution of s phase.───合金抗蚀性的变化主要归因于s相析出的数量和分布不同。
5、In cell adhesion test, demonstrate that the alloy's rough surface is helpful in the macrophage adhesion and be stable to growth.───细胞黏附实验方面,显示合金粗糙表面有助于巨噬细胞黏附生长稳定。
6、The base of theory and experiment was provided for the alloy's design and process technology.───为合金设计与加工工艺的优化提供了理论与实验基础。
7、Hollow electronic beam welding can solve the difficult problems of the aluminium alloy 's welding.───真空电子束焊接独特的优点可以解决铝合金的焊接难题。
8、results indicate that the shape memory alloy has the abilities of safety, delayarming and driving loads when it is used in S&A.───试验研究证明,记忆合金在弹箭引信安全XiTong中做保险件,具有保险、延期解除保险和驱动负载的综合能力。
9、The homogenizing treatments and it 's effect on hot workability of IN706 alloy was studied in this paper.───对IN706合金的均匀化处理工艺进行了探索,同时研究了均匀化处理对材料热加工性能的影响。
alloy s(意思翻译)
n. (Alloys)人名;(法)阿卢瓦
alloy s(相似词语短语)
1、alloy agent───合金剂
2、guanin alloy───鸟嘌呤合金
3、alloy aging───合金时效
4、alloy steel───[材]合金钢
5、cunial alloy───楔形合金
6、wrought alloy───形变合金;[材]可锻合金
7、zinc alloy───[经] 锌合金;[材]锌合金
8、aluminum alloy───铝合金
alloy s(双语使用场景)
1、This is achieved by heating above the alloy's transformation temperature, then applying a cooling cycle which provides maximum softness.───这种处理是把合金加热到其相变温度以上,再进行循环冷却以使硬度下降最大。
2、According to the two problems of their poor toughness and high cost prices, Al alloy's turning bows are changed.───针对铝合金转子弓韧性较差和成本高的问题,改装了转子弓。
3、Increasing the intensity of the alloy's skeleton could obviously improve the mechanical properties of the alloys.───指出提高多孔镁合金材料骨架部分强度可显著改善其力学性能。
4、changes of corrosion resistance of alloy owe to the variations of quantity and distribution of s phase.───合金抗蚀性的变化主要归因于s相析出的数量和分布不同。
5、In cell adhesion test, demonstrate that the alloy's rough surface is helpful in the macrophage adhesion and be stable to growth.───细胞黏附实验方面,显示合金粗糙表面有助于巨噬细胞黏附生长稳定。
6、The base of theory and experiment was provided for the alloy's design and process technology.───为合金设计与加工工艺的优化提供了理论与实验基础。
7、Hollow electronic beam welding can solve the difficult problems of the aluminium alloy 's welding.───真空电子束焊接独特的优点可以解决铝合金的焊接难题。
8、results indicate that the shape memory alloy has the abilities of safety, delayarming and driving loads when it is used in S&A.───试验研究证明,记忆合金在弹箭引信安全XiTong中做保险件,具有保险、延期解除保险和驱动负载的综合能力。
9、The homogenizing treatments and it 's effect on hot workability of IN706 alloy was studied in this paper.───对IN706合金的均匀化处理工艺进行了探索,同时研究了均匀化处理对材料热加工性能的影响。