1、It comes from within the sun itself.───其实就来自太阳本身。
2、Well, it's just that she put a lot of makeup on her face. Actually, natural beauty comes from within.───额,她只是在脸上涂了很多化妆品而已。实际上,自然美是发自内心的。
3、Focus on your inner and outer beauty to see the same in others. Acceptance comes from within.───打心眼里接受自己的内在和外在。
4、One's happiness does not need anyone else's assistance for the true happiness comes from within and is created by ourselves.───快乐不需要别人的参与,真正的快乐是发自内心的,自己创造的。
5、Happiness comes from within.───幸福来自内心。
6、I truly believe that beauty comes from within.───我由衷地相信美丽来自内心。
7、It comes from within, that much I know, and few people are lucky enough to be blessed with it.───那是发自内心的,而我知道,只有少数幸运的人能得到这样的幸福。
8、Just like the true sense of peace comes from within, the true beauty comes from within as well.───正如真正的平静是来自于内心,真正的美也是来自于内在。
9、The resources page includes some great material from authors and bloggers on the subject, but little of it comes from within the enterprise.───它的资料页面(link)囊括了其他博客和书本上有关此话题的一些优秀内容,但是这其中来自Twitter公司内部的资源很少。
comes from within(英语使用场景)
1、Happiness does not come from without, it comes from within. Helen Keller
2、Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. Buddha
3、Joy comes from within (don't expect others to work toward your yuletide happiness).
4、The biggest threat to this cosy world comes from within.
5、The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within - strength, courage, dignity.
6、Himes imagines a world conditioned by anxiety over personal safety, where the greatest threat to that safety comes from within.
7、The TBR NAME comes from within the transmission (external transaction code) based on the Terminal Type field in the TSTS2TTC table entry.
8、The first, rich country protectionism, comes from within global capitalism, but in the form of national as opposed to systemic interests.
comes from within(意思翻译)
comes from within(相似词语短语)
1、invoked from within───从内部调用
2、encompassed within───包含在
3、gentlemen within───里面的先生们
4、within temptation───诱惑本质(荷兰哥特金属乐团)
5、comes back from───回来
6、comes from───来自;出生于
7、within second───一秒钟之内
comes from within(双语使用场景)
1、It comes from within the sun itself.───其实就来自太阳本身。
2、Well, it's just that she put a lot of makeup on her face. Actually, natural beauty comes from within.───额,她只是在脸上涂了很多化妆品而已。实际上,自然美是发自内心的。
3、Focus on your inner and outer beauty to see the same in others. Acceptance comes from within.───打心眼里接受自己的内在和外在。
4、One's happiness does not need anyone else's assistance for the true happiness comes from within and is created by ourselves.───快乐不需要别人的参与,真正的快乐是发自内心的,自己创造的。
5、Happiness comes from within.───幸福来自内心。
6、I truly believe that beauty comes from within.───我由衷地相信美丽来自内心。
7、It comes from within, that much I know, and few people are lucky enough to be blessed with it.───那是发自内心的,而我知道,只有少数幸运的人能得到这样的幸福。
8、Just like the true sense of peace comes from within, the true beauty comes from within as well.───正如真正的平静是来自于内心,真正的美也是来自于内在。
9、The resources page includes some great material from authors and bloggers on the subject, but little of it comes from within the enterprise.───它的资料页面(link)囊括了其他博客和书本上有关此话题的一些优秀内容,但是这其中来自Twitter公司内部的资源很少。
comes from within(英语使用场景)
1、Happiness does not come from without, it comes from within. Helen Keller
2、Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. Buddha
3、Joy comes from within (don't expect others to work toward your yuletide happiness).
4、The biggest threat to this cosy world comes from within.
5、The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within - strength, courage, dignity.
6、Himes imagines a world conditioned by anxiety over personal safety, where the greatest threat to that safety comes from within.
7、The TBR NAME comes from within the transmission (external transaction code) based on the Terminal Type field in the TSTS2TTC table entry.
8、The first, rich country protectionism, comes from within global capitalism, but in the form of national as opposed to systemic interests.