1、Like a magician using a complex set of mirrors to hide his tricks, a invisibility cloak USES materials that change the shape of light so that it moves around an object, hiding it from view.───就像魔术师通过一组复杂的镜子来隐藏他的戏法,隐身斗篷利用特殊材料改变光的形态,使光线绕过物体,从而使物体在人们的视线中消失。
2、Along with surgery to change the shape of his eyes, Xiahn wears dark eye contacts and dyes his hair black.───除了通过整容手术改变了眼睛的形状,夏恩还佩戴深色美瞳,并把头发染成黑色。
3、Nereus was an ancient sea god with prophetic powers and the ability to change his shape.───海神是具有预言能力和改变形体能力的一个远古的海洋上帝。
change to his shape(意思翻译)
change to his shape(相似词语短语)
1、his his───他的his
2、adapting to change───适应变化
3、how to change───如何改变
4、to shape someone───塑造某人
6、change shape───改变形状
7、never to change───永不改变
8、change to red───换成红色
9、to his salute───向他致敬
change to his shape(双语使用场景)
1、Like a magician using a complex set of mirrors to hide his tricks, a invisibility cloak USES materials that change the shape of light so that it moves around an object, hiding it from view.───就像魔术师通过一组复杂的镜子来隐藏他的戏法,隐身斗篷利用特殊材料改变光的形态,使光线绕过物体,从而使物体在人们的视线中消失。
2、Along with surgery to change the shape of his eyes, Xiahn wears dark eye contacts and dyes his hair black.───除了通过整容手术改变了眼睛的形状,夏恩还佩戴深色美瞳,并把头发染成黑色。
3、Nereus was an ancient sea god with prophetic powers and the ability to change his shape.───海神是具有预言能力和改变形体能力的一个远古的海洋上帝。