1、This chapter explores the linkage between economic development and the environment.───本章探讨的是经济发展与环境之间的关系。
2、Cnooc President Fu Chengyu said the agreement will help the company secure cleaner energy to support China's economic development.───中海油总经理FuChengYu表示,这一协议有助于公司获得更为清洁的能源以支持中国经济发展。
3、The strength of a country does not rest upon economic development alone; it rests upon education, at least to the same extent.───一个国家的实力不只是取决于经济发展;它至少在相同的程度上有赖于其教育水平。
4、Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China's sustained and rapid economic development has led to demand for energy, especially oil.───改革开放以来,中国经济的持续快速发展,导致对能源需求特别是石油、天然气需求的不断增长。
5、The talks will focus on economic development of the region.───会谈将聚焦于该地区的经济开发。
6、"By developing advanced weapons, China is making up for the years of neglect when China merely focused on economic development, " Song said.───通过发展先进武器,中国正在弥补过去几年仅仅侧重于经济发展所带来的不足。
7、Corruption in Georgia has been a significant obstacle to economic development since the country gained independence.───自格鲁吉亚宣布DuLi以来,贪污问题一直是其经济发展的主要障碍。
8、The Macao Special Administrative Region, in the light of its economic development, shall make labor policy and improve labor law on its own.───第一百一十五条澳门特别行政区根据经济发展的情况,自行制定劳工政策,完善劳工法律。
9、Conditions were set fair for stable economic development.───形势适合经济稳定发展。
economic development(英语使用场景)
1、The book treats the problems of economic development.
2、Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development.
3、How is the economic development zone going on?
4、The region has enormous potential for economic development.
5、Conditions were set fair for stable economic development.
6、Welfare spending aids economic development in three ways.
7、The new policies open the way to economic development.
8、Education is central to a country's economic development.
9、Agricultural development simply must precede economic development.
economic development(意思翻译)
economic development(相似词语短语)
2、child development───儿童发展;儿童发育
3、stunted development───发育迟缓
4、development kit───开发工具包
5、economic condition───[经]经济条件;经济状况;经济情况,经济条件
6、development studies───发展研究(development study的复数);发展研究(developmentstudy的复数)
7、economic crisis───n.经济危机
8、development synonym───发展同义词
9、economic decline───经济衰退
economic development(双语使用场景)
1、This chapter explores the linkage between economic development and the environment.───本章探讨的是经济发展与环境之间的关系。
2、Cnooc President Fu Chengyu said the agreement will help the company secure cleaner energy to support China's economic development.───中海油总经理FuChengYu表示,这一协议有助于公司获得更为清洁的能源以支持中国经济发展。
3、The strength of a country does not rest upon economic development alone; it rests upon education, at least to the same extent.───一个国家的实力不只是取决于经济发展;它至少在相同的程度上有赖于其教育水平。
4、Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China's sustained and rapid economic development has led to demand for energy, especially oil.───改革开放以来,中国经济的持续快速发展,导致对能源需求特别是石油、天然气需求的不断增长。
5、The talks will focus on economic development of the region.───会谈将聚焦于该地区的经济开发。
6、"By developing advanced weapons, China is making up for the years of neglect when China merely focused on economic development, " Song said.───通过发展先进武器,中国正在弥补过去几年仅仅侧重于经济发展所带来的不足。
7、Corruption in Georgia has been a significant obstacle to economic development since the country gained independence.───自格鲁吉亚宣布DuLi以来,贪污问题一直是其经济发展的主要障碍。
8、The Macao Special Administrative Region, in the light of its economic development, shall make labor policy and improve labor law on its own.───第一百一十五条澳门特别行政区根据经济发展的情况,自行制定劳工政策,完善劳工法律。
9、Conditions were set fair for stable economic development.───形势适合经济稳定发展。
economic development(英语使用场景)
1、The book treats the problems of economic development.
2、Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development.
3、How is the economic development zone going on?
4、The region has enormous potential for economic development.
5、Conditions were set fair for stable economic development.
6、Welfare spending aids economic development in three ways.
7、The new policies open the way to economic development.
8、Education is central to a country's economic development.
9、Agricultural development simply must precede economic development.