1、In accordance with the present disclosure, the additive composition is applied to a creping surface.───根据本发明的公开内容,将添加剂组合物施加到起绉表面。
2、present disclosure provides ketoreductase enzymes having improved properties as compared to a naturally occurring wild-type ketoreductase enzyme.───天然存在的野生型酮还原酶相比,本公开提供了具有改善的性质的酮还原酶。
3、The present disclosure is also generally directed to methods of integrating a hydrogel polymer into a fibrous web.───目前披露的一般也指示融合成为一个纤维网络一凝胶聚合物的方法。
4、The present disclosure is generally directed to hydrogel-fibrous web composites that can be used in a variety of applications.───目前披露的一般指示水凝胶纤维网,可在各种应用中使用的复合材料。
5、The present disclosure relates to lecithin containing starch compositions.───本公开涉及含有卵磷脂的淀粉组合物。
6、The present disclosure is further directed to methods of making the neutralized juice base and methods of making the beverage compositions.───本公开内容还涉及制造中和的汁液基质的方法和制造饮料组合物的方法。
7、The present disclosure relates to a dust separating apparatus using a centrifugal force.───本发明涉及一种利用离心力分离灰尘的灰尘分离装置。
present disclosure(英语使用场景)
1、The present disclosure provides ketoreductase enzymes having improved properties as compared to a naturally occurring wild-type ketoreductase enzyme.
2、The present disclosure relates to a compound of the formula I or a tribologically acceptable salt, solvate, hydrate, or proadditive thereof, wherein R1, R2 and R4 are as defined herein.
3、The present disclosure provides a magnetic memory element.
present disclosure(意思翻译)
present disclosure(相似词语短语)
1、disclosure principle───[经] 公开揭示的原则;披露原则
2、present───adj.现在的;出席的;(事物)存在的;正在考虑的;现在时(态)的;v.颁发;赠送;提出;展现;使发生;描述;出现;主持(节目);上演;介绍;出席;表达;提交(支票或账单);致谢;(教堂)向主教推荐已被委任的牧师就任;向法院正式提交;举枪瞄准 ;(疾病)症状显露;n.礼物;现在,目前;(动词)现在式;(举枪的)瞄准
3、privacy disclosure───隐私泄露
4、disclosure requirements───资料公开的要求;表露要求
5、disclosure statement───披露声明,公开声明
6、disclosure note───披露注释
8、disclosure obligation───告知义务; 披露义务
9、information disclosure───信息披露;信息暴露
present disclosure(双语使用场景)
1、In accordance with the present disclosure, the additive composition is applied to a creping surface.───根据本发明的公开内容,将添加剂组合物施加到起绉表面。
2、present disclosure provides ketoreductase enzymes having improved properties as compared to a naturally occurring wild-type ketoreductase enzyme.───天然存在的野生型酮还原酶相比,本公开提供了具有改善的性质的酮还原酶。
3、The present disclosure is also generally directed to methods of integrating a hydrogel polymer into a fibrous web.───目前披露的一般也指示融合成为一个纤维网络一凝胶聚合物的方法。
4、The present disclosure is generally directed to hydrogel-fibrous web composites that can be used in a variety of applications.───目前披露的一般指示水凝胶纤维网,可在各种应用中使用的复合材料。
5、The present disclosure relates to lecithin containing starch compositions.───本公开涉及含有卵磷脂的淀粉组合物。
6、The present disclosure is further directed to methods of making the neutralized juice base and methods of making the beverage compositions.───本公开内容还涉及制造中和的汁液基质的方法和制造饮料组合物的方法。
7、The present disclosure relates to a dust separating apparatus using a centrifugal force.───本发明涉及一种利用离心力分离灰尘的灰尘分离装置。
present disclosure(英语使用场景)
1、The present disclosure provides ketoreductase enzymes having improved properties as compared to a naturally occurring wild-type ketoreductase enzyme.
2、The present disclosure relates to a compound of the formula I or a tribologically acceptable salt, solvate, hydrate, or proadditive thereof, wherein R1, R2 and R4 are as defined herein.
3、The present disclosure provides a magnetic memory element.