1、"I bought it. I did not make it myself, " I held the dessert in my hands in front of him and emphasized.───“这是我买的。我自己不会做”,我把甜点那在手里站在他面前强调说。
2、Not only did my family buy a cake from my bakery, I had to make it myself and inscribe it with 'Happy Birthday Dad'.───家人在我的面包店订购了生日蛋糕,我还得亲手做,而且要写上“爸爸,生日快乐”。
3、I'm sorry. . . It was a private tour, there isn't much scientific to say coz I didn't make it myself.───对不起,这是一个私人的旅程,没有什么科学的内容值得说的,因为我也不知道我是怎么做到的。
4、John: Yes. But I prefer oatmeal first. I'll make it myself.───是的。但我想先吃麦片粥。我自己来弄吧。
5、Can you give me the recipe for this dish? I want to make it myself.───你能教我这道菜的做法吗?我想要自已做做看。
6、Sichuan food is the best in the world! I'm taking home a jin of Sichuan pepper and I'll try to make it myself at home!───四川菜也是世界上最棒的!我带一斤四川花椒回家,到家后试试做四川菜!
make it myself(意思翻译)
make it myself(相似词语短语)
1、make it───(病痛等)好转;达到预定目标;及时抵达;走完路程;获得成功;准时到达
2、make it real───让它成真 (Make It Real)
3、make it from───从
4、make it clear───弄清楚
5、make it good───把它做好
6、i make it───我成功了
7、make it run───让它跑起来
8、By myself───DuLi完成;我独自地
make it myself(双语使用场景)
1、"I bought it. I did not make it myself, " I held the dessert in my hands in front of him and emphasized.───“这是我买的。我自己不会做”,我把甜点那在手里站在他面前强调说。
2、Not only did my family buy a cake from my bakery, I had to make it myself and inscribe it with 'Happy Birthday Dad'.───家人在我的面包店订购了生日蛋糕,我还得亲手做,而且要写上“爸爸,生日快乐”。
3、I'm sorry. . . It was a private tour, there isn't much scientific to say coz I didn't make it myself.───对不起,这是一个私人的旅程,没有什么科学的内容值得说的,因为我也不知道我是怎么做到的。
4、John: Yes. But I prefer oatmeal first. I'll make it myself.───是的。但我想先吃麦片粥。我自己来弄吧。
5、Can you give me the recipe for this dish? I want to make it myself.───你能教我这道菜的做法吗?我想要自已做做看。
6、Sichuan food is the best in the world! I'm taking home a jin of Sichuan pepper and I'll try to make it myself at home!───四川菜也是世界上最棒的!我带一斤四川花椒回家,到家后试试做四川菜!