1、Any API program that currently accesses the busytime APIs should have little trouble being enhanced to handle detailed data.───当前访问busytime API的任何API程序应该都可以很容易地扩展为可以处理详细数据。
2、Trouble ticket systems such as OTRS handle trouble tickets like normal email. The messages are saved in the system.───类似OTRS这样的故障票据XiTong像普通邮件一样处理故障票据。
3、Doctors are also preparing to handle eye trouble.───医生们同时也准备好了处理眼部问题。
4、Handle trouble independently with certain analysis and judgement ability───能够DuLi解决问题,具备一定的分析和判断能力
5、If there were a need for portability to other platforms, it would probably be worth the trouble of setting up DPKG to handle the build.───如果需要移植到其他平台,也许有必要设置dpkg以处理不同版本。
handle trouble(意思翻译)
handle trouble(相似词语短语)
1、door handle───门手把; 门把;门把手
3、engine trouble───发动机故障
4、trouble spot───n.动荡地区,出故障处;n.动荡地区,动乱国家
5、handle it───处理;应付
6、handle on───处理……
7、handle stress───处理压力
8、handle conflicts───处理冲突
handle trouble(双语使用场景)
1、Any API program that currently accesses the busytime APIs should have little trouble being enhanced to handle detailed data.───当前访问busytime API的任何API程序应该都可以很容易地扩展为可以处理详细数据。
2、Trouble ticket systems such as OTRS handle trouble tickets like normal email. The messages are saved in the system.───类似OTRS这样的故障票据XiTong像普通邮件一样处理故障票据。
3、Doctors are also preparing to handle eye trouble.───医生们同时也准备好了处理眼部问题。
4、Handle trouble independently with certain analysis and judgement ability───能够DuLi解决问题,具备一定的分析和判断能力
5、If there were a need for portability to other platforms, it would probably be worth the trouble of setting up DPKG to handle the build.───如果需要移植到其他平台,也许有必要设置dpkg以处理不同版本。