1、Later, the strange creature found its way into a love story, where it turned into a beautiful woman like a mermaid.───后来,这种奇特的生物又出现在一个爱情故事当中,化身为一位形同人鱼的美女。
2、Disney Studios has created a cartoon based on this sad story and this red cute girl became the single prototype of mermaid for almost all people.───迪士尼制片厂依据这个故事创造了一部卡通片,其中红色的可爱女孩成了很多人心中唯一的美人鱼形象。
3、2: When the fisherman told people in the town he had seen a beautiful mermaid on a rock in the river, they knew it was just a fish story.───他说:那个渔夫告诉镇上的人他曾经看到一条美人鱼。
mermaid story(意思翻译)
mermaid story(相似词语短语)
1、our story───我们的故事
2、fiji mermaid───美人鱼纤维
3、real story───真实的故事
5、funny story───幽默故事
6、one story───一个故事
7、creative story───创意故事
8、story───vt.用历史故事画装饰;n.故事;小说;描述;新闻报道;来历;假话;层;一种测量单位(1story等于3.3米);n. (Story)斯托里(人名);vi.说谎
9、touching story───动人的故事
mermaid story(双语使用场景)
1、Later, the strange creature found its way into a love story, where it turned into a beautiful woman like a mermaid.───后来,这种奇特的生物又出现在一个爱情故事当中,化身为一位形同人鱼的美女。
2、Disney Studios has created a cartoon based on this sad story and this red cute girl became the single prototype of mermaid for almost all people.───迪士尼制片厂依据这个故事创造了一部卡通片,其中红色的可爱女孩成了很多人心中唯一的美人鱼形象。
3、2: When the fisherman told people in the town he had seen a beautiful mermaid on a rock in the river, they knew it was just a fish story.───他说:那个渔夫告诉镇上的人他曾经看到一条美人鱼。