1、To prepare to install the sample application on a device, export the required features, plug-ins, and site-related files to a local directory.───为了在设备上安装示例应用程序,先将所需特性、插件以及与站点相关的文件导入本地目录。
2、Device: dust collector, dust drawer, air heater, wash tower, draught fan, blower: import and export fans of different equipments.───集尘器汲尘器空气加热器洗涤塔引风机鼓风机:各设备的风机进出口。
3、High viscosity of the pump outlet pipe also shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so that once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief.───高粘度泵的出口管路上还应当设置安全阀等保护装置,这样一旦泵的出口通道发生堵塞,就可以打开安全阀卸压。
export device(意思翻译)
export device(相似词语短语)
1、export references───出口参考
2、export license───出口许可证
3、export path───[计] 输出路径
4、export duty───出口关税;输出税,出口税
5、export earning───出口收入
6、export declaration───[贸易]出口申报单
7、medicaments export───药品出口
export device(双语使用场景)
1、To prepare to install the sample application on a device, export the required features, plug-ins, and site-related files to a local directory.───为了在设备上安装示例应用程序,先将所需特性、插件以及与站点相关的文件导入本地目录。
2、Device: dust collector, dust drawer, air heater, wash tower, draught fan, blower: import and export fans of different equipments.───集尘器汲尘器空气加热器洗涤塔引风机鼓风机:各设备的风机进出口。
3、High viscosity of the pump outlet pipe also shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so that once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief.───高粘度泵的出口管路上还应当设置安全阀等保护装置,这样一旦泵的出口通道发生堵塞,就可以打开安全阀卸压。