1、11 accommodation decks, a 360-degree observation area, four helipads, its own dock, several swimming pools and as much space as a cruise liner, it's not so much a boat as a city.───一建筑将拥有11个起居甲板、360度观察视野、几个游泳池,自己的码头和上有4座机场停机坪,几个游泳池,还有像留有轮班巡航船般大小航的空间。与其说这是一只船,还不如说是一座城市。
2、It includes an observation tower, elevators that descend into the gorge at the base of the American falls, and boat trips into the waters at the base of the Horseshoe falls.───它包括一个观察塔、能够下降到美国瀑布谷底峡谷的电梯和能够进入马蹄瀑布谷底水域的船只。
observation boat(意思翻译)
observation boat(相似词语短语)
1、under observation───受到观察;在监视下;在观察中,在监视下
2、outlying observation───反常值
3、anecdotal observation───轶事观察
4、obvious observation───明显的观察
5、colonnade observation───柱廊观察
7、observation tower───瞭望塔
8、observation post───观测所;[军]观察哨;观察所
9、observation───n.观察; 监视; 评论;n.观察;监视;观察报告
observation boat(双语使用场景)
1、11 accommodation decks, a 360-degree observation area, four helipads, its own dock, several swimming pools and as much space as a cruise liner, it's not so much a boat as a city.───一建筑将拥有11个起居甲板、360度观察视野、几个游泳池,自己的码头和上有4座机场停机坪,几个游泳池,还有像留有轮班巡航船般大小航的空间。与其说这是一只船,还不如说是一座城市。
2、It includes an observation tower, elevators that descend into the gorge at the base of the American falls, and boat trips into the waters at the base of the Horseshoe falls.───它包括一个观察塔、能够下降到美国瀑布谷底峡谷的电梯和能够进入马蹄瀑布谷底水域的船只。