1、ABSTRACT: This article is talking about the standard colors in tasting.───摘要:这篇文章介绍了品鉴中常见的标准颜色。
2、Tonka is famous for using standard colors on its toys, mostly school bus yellow.───东卡的玩具总是使用标准的颜色,大都是校车那样的黄色。
3、In addition to the 16 standard colors, you can create your own custom colors.───除16种标准颜色外,您可以创建自己的自定义颜色。
4、A choice of silver, white or black standard colors, plus Midnight Black or Horizon Blue metallics give the Camden a wider range of choice.───选择银,白色或黑色的标准颜色,加上黑色或豪华午夜蓝金属给予卡姆登更广泛的选择。
5、PANTONE color is actually a very small portion of a spot color, we refer to as the standard colors.───pANTONE色卡实际上是专色的极小部分,我们称之为标准色。
6、You can use these parameters are measured and get what you want to copy the standard colors.───您可以堵住丈度得回这些参数,并得回所给的颜色复制尺度。
7、We're still printing the bright red or orange spot colors, but using them in place of standard colors.───我们仍然印刷明亮红色或橙色专色的,但使用它们的地方标准的色彩。
8、Also, the standard colors for visited and unvisited links will not work, and users have no control over the text size they want to use.───同时,链接以及非链接的尺度颜色会发生改变,而且用户须节制需要Cao纵的文本尺寸。
9、To use a different outline color, under Theme Colors or Standard Colors, click the color that you want to use.───要使用不同的轮廓颜色,请在“主题颜色”或“标准颜色”下单击要使用的颜色。
standard colors(意思翻译)
standard colors(相似词语短语)
1、current standard───电流标准;现行标准
2、standard practice───(企业工艺过程的)通常练习
4、schist colors───片岩颜色
5、res standard───res标准
6、standard deviation───[物]标准偏差;n.标准偏差
8、modifying colors───修改颜色
9、analogous colors───类似色
standard colors(双语使用场景)
1、ABSTRACT: This article is talking about the standard colors in tasting.───摘要:这篇文章介绍了品鉴中常见的标准颜色。
2、Tonka is famous for using standard colors on its toys, mostly school bus yellow.───东卡的玩具总是使用标准的颜色,大都是校车那样的黄色。
3、In addition to the 16 standard colors, you can create your own custom colors.───除16种标准颜色外,您可以创建自己的自定义颜色。
4、A choice of silver, white or black standard colors, plus Midnight Black or Horizon Blue metallics give the Camden a wider range of choice.───选择银,白色或黑色的标准颜色,加上黑色或豪华午夜蓝金属给予卡姆登更广泛的选择。
5、PANTONE color is actually a very small portion of a spot color, we refer to as the standard colors.───pANTONE色卡实际上是专色的极小部分,我们称之为标准色。
6、You can use these parameters are measured and get what you want to copy the standard colors.───您可以堵住丈度得回这些参数,并得回所给的颜色复制尺度。
7、We're still printing the bright red or orange spot colors, but using them in place of standard colors.───我们仍然印刷明亮红色或橙色专色的,但使用它们的地方标准的色彩。
8、Also, the standard colors for visited and unvisited links will not work, and users have no control over the text size they want to use.───同时,链接以及非链接的尺度颜色会发生改变,而且用户须节制需要Cao纵的文本尺寸。
9、To use a different outline color, under Theme Colors or Standard Colors, click the color that you want to use.───要使用不同的轮廓颜色,请在“主题颜色”或“标准颜色”下单击要使用的颜色。