1、An area-efficient design proposal of a direct digital frequency synthesizer is presented.───一种新的面积优化的直接数字频率合成器设计方案。
2、Frequency Synthesizer is the heart of the FH system. Its performance has the critical influence on the over-all capability of FH system.───频率合成器是跳频XiTong的心脏,它的各项性能指标对跳频通信XiTong的性能具有决定性的影响。
3、The invention relates to a double-loop frequency synthesizer and a phase noise analyzing method.───一种双环路频率综合器及其相位噪声分析方法。
4、An experimental study on frequency synthesizer of are airborne radar is described.───介绍了一种机载合成孔径雷达频率合成器的实验研究。
5、Use a frequency synthesizer to be able to produce electron frequency spectrum.───使用频率合成器可以产生电子频谱。
6、The main purpose of the frequency synthesizer is to produce a series of high resolution, high stability signals.───频率合成技术的主要作用就是产生一系列高精度、高稳定度频率信号。
7、Frequency synthesizer is a key part used in modern electronic and communication systems. It is called the "heart" of electronic systems.───频率合成器是现代电子通信XiTong中的关键部件,它被称为电子XiTong的“心脏”。
8、The goal of any frequency synthesizer is to generate a desired output frequency based on a given input reference frequency.───任何频率合成器的目标都是根据一个给定输入参考频率产生一个期望输出频率。
9、Frequency synthesizer is the key component in electronic systems.───频率合成器是电子XiTong的核心部件。
frequency synthesizer(意思翻译)
frequency synthesizer(相似词语短语)
2、frequency equation───频率方程
3、frequency modulation───调频
4、frequency generator───[计]频率发生器
5、cumulative frequency───[统计]累积频率,[电子]累积频数
6、frequency range───频带; 频段;[电子][通信]频率范围
7、middling synthesizer───中型合成器
8、frequency polygon───[统计]频数多边形
9、voice synthesizer───话音合成器;语音合成器
frequency synthesizer(双语使用场景)
1、An area-efficient design proposal of a direct digital frequency synthesizer is presented.───一种新的面积优化的直接数字频率合成器设计方案。
2、Frequency Synthesizer is the heart of the FH system. Its performance has the critical influence on the over-all capability of FH system.───频率合成器是跳频XiTong的心脏,它的各项性能指标对跳频通信XiTong的性能具有决定性的影响。
3、The invention relates to a double-loop frequency synthesizer and a phase noise analyzing method.───一种双环路频率综合器及其相位噪声分析方法。
4、An experimental study on frequency synthesizer of are airborne radar is described.───介绍了一种机载合成孔径雷达频率合成器的实验研究。
5、Use a frequency synthesizer to be able to produce electron frequency spectrum.───使用频率合成器可以产生电子频谱。
6、The main purpose of the frequency synthesizer is to produce a series of high resolution, high stability signals.───频率合成技术的主要作用就是产生一系列高精度、高稳定度频率信号。
7、Frequency synthesizer is a key part used in modern electronic and communication systems. It is called the "heart" of electronic systems.───频率合成器是现代电子通信XiTong中的关键部件,它被称为电子XiTong的“心脏”。
8、The goal of any frequency synthesizer is to generate a desired output frequency based on a given input reference frequency.───任何频率合成器的目标都是根据一个给定输入参考频率产生一个期望输出频率。
9、Frequency synthesizer is the key component in electronic systems.───频率合成器是电子XiTong的核心部件。