1、Inspirational movies about underdogs pursuing their dreams are nothing new. But the entertainment industry is special. It might be the field with the most broken hearts and most efforts gone in vain.───关于小人物追求自己梦想的励志电影并不新鲜,但娱乐圈这个题材是特别的,这里可能让最多梦想之心破碎,让最大努力付之东流。
broken hearts and dreams(意思翻译)
broken hearts and dreams(相似词语短语)
1、codfish boulevard of broken dreams───破碎梦想的鳕鱼大道
4、bitches broken hearts───Biao子心碎了
5、defenseless hearts───手无寸铁的心
6、boulevard of broken dreams───梦碎大道(歌曲名);[电影]天伦梦断
7、artichoke hearts───洋蓟心;ChaoXian蓟心
9、hopes and Dreams───希望和梦想
broken hearts and dreams(双语使用场景)
1、Inspirational movies about underdogs pursuing their dreams are nothing new. But the entertainment industry is special. It might be the field with the most broken hearts and most efforts gone in vain.───关于小人物追求自己梦想的励志电影并不新鲜,但娱乐圈这个题材是特别的,这里可能让最多梦想之心破碎,让最大努力付之东流。