1、However Stoke are good on set-pieces generally so I wouldn't instruct my players to kick it out for a corner rather than a throw-in.───然而,斯托克在定位球上通常也很优秀,所以我不会教导我的球员给他们一个角球而不是一个边线球。
2、I saw this tree, I wanted to kick it out of the door and down the street.───我一看到这棵树,就恨不得把它踹出门滚到大街上。
3、When I saw this tree, I wanted to kick it out of the door and down the street.───我一看到这棵树,就恨不得把它踹出门滚到大街上。
4、We call (American football) football, but we actually throw it a lot more than we kick it.───我们称美式足球(橄榄球)为football,但实际上我们更多的是投球,而不是踢球。
5、Still nothing, except a dull pain and a perverse satisfaction, so I kick it again.───还是什么都没有,除了一阵麻木的疼痛和反常的满足感外,所以我又踢它。
6、Adrian : No way. Every time I run up to kick it you pull the ball away and I fall flat on my face.───阿德里恩:不行,每次当我助跑要去踢它时,你却把球拿走,而我就往前跌倒。
7、If you are on offense, then put the ball back in the basket or kick it out to another player.───如果抢到的是进攻篮板,那么你可以直接进攻或者将球传出去给其他队友。
8、The brand name of the campaign - Let's Kick Racism Out of Football - was established in 1993 and Kick It Out established as a body in 1997.───运动曾名为“将人种歧视从足球中踢开”,始创于1993年,1997年改名为“全民参与”。
9、Finally, the Red Team's free kick did not use much strength and the goalkeeper could kick it out without doubt.───最后红队罚的那个任意球,力量并不很大,守门员完全可以扑出来;
kick it(英语使用场景)
1、Your plan seems good. Let us kick it around.
2、After you ask for your information, we key in the request and kick it back out.
3、When launching a kick it is essential to be at the correct distance from your opponent.
4、He would always kick it back into play whereas Lukic, more often than not, would kick it into touch.
5、Just kick it off and go get coffee, a sandwich, or a prix fixe meal, depending on the size and complexity of the package you're building.
6、I'm sorta like Socrates in a Prada tee, he raps; You can't kick it, your pockets thinner than soccer tees.
7、If you don't get a kick out of the job you are doing, you better kick it and look for another one. Love what you do or just don't do it. RVM
8、All right, you guys, let's kick it overdrive.
9、Man, the thing worked, had a nice kick; it sent bits of chimney chipping in sharp spinning chunks.
kick it(意思翻译)
kick it(相似词语短语)
1、crane kick───起重机踢
2、kick it over───把它踢过来
3、a kick───踢
4、high kick───高踢,高踢腿;[体]踢高球
5、kick───n.(Kick)(美、德、英)基克(人名);v.踢,踢腿;对(自己)生气;(体育中)踢球得分;反冲,朝后座;(非正式)成功戒掉(习惯);n.踢;(一次)踢球(动作);有特定踢球能力的运动员;反冲,后座力;猛烈震动;(台球)球的不规则运动;(非正式)极度刺激; (Du Pin)效力;(古)玻璃瓶底的凹底
6、kick high───踢高
7、kick around───<口>谈论; <口>存在; 漫不经心地踢; 漫不经心地游荡;粗暴而轻率地对待;从各个角度考虑;流浪
8、free kick───n.(足球)任意球
9、kick away───不断地踢;踢开;连续踢; 踢倒,踢开
kick it(双语使用场景)
1、However Stoke are good on set-pieces generally so I wouldn't instruct my players to kick it out for a corner rather than a throw-in.───然而,斯托克在定位球上通常也很优秀,所以我不会教导我的球员给他们一个角球而不是一个边线球。
2、I saw this tree, I wanted to kick it out of the door and down the street.───我一看到这棵树,就恨不得把它踹出门滚到大街上。
3、When I saw this tree, I wanted to kick it out of the door and down the street.───我一看到这棵树,就恨不得把它踹出门滚到大街上。
4、We call (American football) football, but we actually throw it a lot more than we kick it.───我们称美式足球(橄榄球)为football,但实际上我们更多的是投球,而不是踢球。
5、Still nothing, except a dull pain and a perverse satisfaction, so I kick it again.───还是什么都没有,除了一阵麻木的疼痛和反常的满足感外,所以我又踢它。
6、Adrian : No way. Every time I run up to kick it you pull the ball away and I fall flat on my face.───阿德里恩:不行,每次当我助跑要去踢它时,你却把球拿走,而我就往前跌倒。
7、If you are on offense, then put the ball back in the basket or kick it out to another player.───如果抢到的是进攻篮板,那么你可以直接进攻或者将球传出去给其他队友。
8、The brand name of the campaign - Let's Kick Racism Out of Football - was established in 1993 and Kick It Out established as a body in 1997.───运动曾名为“将人种歧视从足球中踢开”,始创于1993年,1997年改名为“全民参与”。
9、Finally, the Red Team's free kick did not use much strength and the goalkeeper could kick it out without doubt.───最后红队罚的那个任意球,力量并不很大,守门员完全可以扑出来;
kick it(英语使用场景)
1、Your plan seems good. Let us kick it around.
2、After you ask for your information, we key in the request and kick it back out.
3、When launching a kick it is essential to be at the correct distance from your opponent.
4、He would always kick it back into play whereas Lukic, more often than not, would kick it into touch.
5、Just kick it off and go get coffee, a sandwich, or a prix fixe meal, depending on the size and complexity of the package you're building.
6、I'm sorta like Socrates in a Prada tee, he raps; You can't kick it, your pockets thinner than soccer tees.
7、If you don't get a kick out of the job you are doing, you better kick it and look for another one. Love what you do or just don't do it. RVM
8、All right, you guys, let's kick it overdrive.
9、Man, the thing worked, had a nice kick; it sent bits of chimney chipping in sharp spinning chunks.