1、I went to a community clinic in Dalian to be a dental assistant this summer.───这个暑假,我选择了去大连锦绣社区的社区诊所当一名“牙医助理”。
2、He and his wife, Laurie, a dental assistant, owned a ranch house in Kenwood, Calif. , in the Sonoma Valley.───他和做牙医助理的妻子在加利福尼亚州Kenwood的索诺玛山谷拥有一座带牧场的房子。
3、The nuns are self-sufficient and their numbers include a dental assistant, an electrician, an engineer, a plumber and a silk-weaver.───这些修女自给自足,而在她们当中有牙医助理、电工、工程师、水管工和纺织高手。
dental assistant(意思翻译)
dental assistant(相似词语短语)
2、physician assistant───n.医师助理; [医]医师助手
3、update assistant───更新助手
5、veterinary assistant───[医]兽医助理
6、articled assistant───兼职助理
7、manager assistant───经理助理
8、assistant accountant───[会计]助理会计
9、assistant professor───n.助理教授(级别高于讲师而低于副教授)
dental assistant(双语使用场景)
1、I went to a community clinic in Dalian to be a dental assistant this summer.───这个暑假,我选择了去大连锦绣社区的社区诊所当一名“牙医助理”。
2、He and his wife, Laurie, a dental assistant, owned a ranch house in Kenwood, Calif. , in the Sonoma Valley.───他和做牙医助理的妻子在加利福尼亚州Kenwood的索诺玛山谷拥有一座带牧场的房子。
3、The nuns are self-sufficient and their numbers include a dental assistant, an electrician, an engineer, a plumber and a silk-weaver.───这些修女自给自足,而在她们当中有牙医助理、电工、工程师、水管工和纺织高手。