1、Maybe you spend your free time managing a flower bed in the park – why not put a little wooden freewill donation box out there for people to drop a coin in?───如果你的业余时间是在给公园的花坛干活——那为什么不弄一个捐助箱,让人们投点钱呢?
2、Sunshine is free. None of the human beings in the world can survive without sunshine. However, who has ever paid a coin for the sunshine he or she enjoys?───阳光,是免费的。芸芸众生,没有谁能离开阳光活下去;然而,从小到大,可曾有谁为自己享受过的阳光支付过一分钱?
3、If you collect that money, and use the free coin star machines at Commerce banks, you will have saved $182. 5 at the end of the year.───如果你把那钱省下来,并且通过免费的YinBu存储机器存入商业银行那么每年你就可以节省182.5美元每年。
4、Now the equipment, built under a microscope, is the size of a coin and can be planted under the scalp and so is unnoticeable in a free-moving subject.───现在的设备,是在显微镜下制造的,尺寸只有一枚硬币大小,并且能被植入于头皮下,所以是不容易被自由移动的对象所发现。
free coin(意思翻译)
free coin(相似词语短语)
1、dandiprat coin───丹迪普拉特币
2、fil coin───投币
3、coin purse───装硬币的钱包;钱包;零钱袋
4、coin collection───硬币收藏
5、gold coin───小钱; 金币;[金融]金币;小钱
6、plus coin───硬币加硬币
7、golden coin───金币
8、centesimo coin───centesimo硬币
9、coin───n.硬币,钱币;金属货币;(一枚)硬币;(coins)塔罗牌中的一种花色;vt.铸造(货币);杜撰,创造(新词,短语);快速轻松地发财;n. (Coin)(西、意)科因;(法)库安(人名)
free coin(双语使用场景)
1、Maybe you spend your free time managing a flower bed in the park – why not put a little wooden freewill donation box out there for people to drop a coin in?───如果你的业余时间是在给公园的花坛干活——那为什么不弄一个捐助箱,让人们投点钱呢?
2、Sunshine is free. None of the human beings in the world can survive without sunshine. However, who has ever paid a coin for the sunshine he or she enjoys?───阳光,是免费的。芸芸众生,没有谁能离开阳光活下去;然而,从小到大,可曾有谁为自己享受过的阳光支付过一分钱?
3、If you collect that money, and use the free coin star machines at Commerce banks, you will have saved $182. 5 at the end of the year.───如果你把那钱省下来,并且通过免费的YinBu存储机器存入商业银行那么每年你就可以节省182.5美元每年。
4、Now the equipment, built under a microscope, is the size of a coin and can be planted under the scalp and so is unnoticeable in a free-moving subject.───现在的设备,是在显微镜下制造的,尺寸只有一枚硬币大小,并且能被植入于头皮下,所以是不容易被自由移动的对象所发现。