1、been called the father of wisdom and the father of generations (of scholars) because he ensured the continuation of Jewish scholarship after Jerusalem fell to Rome in 70 C. E.───被称为“时代之父和智慧之父”因为他在耶路撒冷沦陷给罗马以后,继续了犹太学术。
2、Over time, however, the work of OAI has expanded to promote broad access to digital resources for e Scholarship, learning, and e Science.───随着时间的推移,OAI的范畴亦有所发展,由推广电子资料存取拓展至网上学问、网上学习及网上科学等的电子资源。
e scholarship(意思翻译)
e scholarship(相似词语短语)
1、honorary scholarship───荣誉奖学金
3、chiving scholarship───奇文奖学金
4、scholarship finder───奖学金获得者
5、scholarship owl───奖学金猫头鹰
6、scholarship definition───奖学金定义
7、rhodes scholarship───n.罗氏奖学金
8、scholarship america───奖学金美国
9、trustee scholarship───受托人奖学金
e scholarship(双语使用场景)
1、been called the father of wisdom and the father of generations (of scholars) because he ensured the continuation of Jewish scholarship after Jerusalem fell to Rome in 70 C. E.───被称为“时代之父和智慧之父”因为他在耶路撒冷沦陷给罗马以后,继续了犹太学术。
2、Over time, however, the work of OAI has expanded to promote broad access to digital resources for e Scholarship, learning, and e Science.───随着时间的推移,OAI的范畴亦有所发展,由推广电子资料存取拓展至网上学问、网上学习及网上科学等的电子资源。