1、catch women checking out other men; women will always catch men checking out other women.───察觉女人注视着其他男人,而女人总能察觉男人注视着其他女人。
2、Men don't aspire aft er the absolute right.───人们均不愿追求绝对真理。
3、This is online map of the address "Nian Bo Zhen Bei Men Er Cun , Ledu County, Haidong Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China" .───这是DiZhi“中国青海省海东地区乐都县碾伯镇北门二村”匹配的在线电子地图。
4、Tamia's last sight before the er doors closed on her was that of five men struggling to hold down her husband.───Tamia在急症室的门关上前,最后看到的景象是,5个人一起把他的丈夫按在病床上。
men er(意思翻译)
n. (Mener)人名;(法)梅内
men er(相似词语短语)
2、er s───abbr.设备要求规格 (Equipment Requirement Specification);经济研究处 (Economic Research Serv);欧洲遥感卫星 (Europe Remote Sensing Satellite);地球资源卫星 (Earth Resources Satellite)
3、cpu er───中央处理器
4、oppo er───向上是
7、men like men───男人喜欢男人
8、er park───er公园
9、landandri er───是
men er(双语使用场景)
1、catch women checking out other men; women will always catch men checking out other women.───察觉女人注视着其他男人,而女人总能察觉男人注视着其他女人。
2、Men don't aspire aft er the absolute right.───人们均不愿追求绝对真理。
3、This is online map of the address "Nian Bo Zhen Bei Men Er Cun , Ledu County, Haidong Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China" .───这是DiZhi“中国青海省海东地区乐都县碾伯镇北门二村”匹配的在线电子地图。
4、Tamia's last sight before the er doors closed on her was that of five men struggling to hold down her husband.───Tamia在急症室的门关上前,最后看到的景象是,5个人一起把他的丈夫按在病床上。