1、MS ( Monologize): Oh, It's a very important project. I have to adjust my schedule and visit Mr. Hong in person.───(独白)这个项目很重要。我还是得改变日程,亲自去拜访洪先生。
2、In the main content aspect that rich guest involves, main content is the rich guest of 47% the interior monologize of rich traveler writer or mood record.───在博客涉及的主要内容方面,47%的博客主要内容为博客作者的心灵独白或心情记录。
3、Rich objective is ultimate, wang Dahao still left a paragraph of some monologize from ridicule type.───博客最后,王大豪还留下了一段有些自嘲式的独白。
1、In the main content aspect that rich guest involves, main content is the rich guest of 47% the interior monologize of rich traveler writer or mood record.
1、demonological grimoire───恶魔灰纹
2、eddic monolithic───涡流单片
3、demonolatry define───恶魔崇拜
4、demonological theory───恶魔论
6、demonological model definition───恶魔模型定义
7、demonologist pay───恶魔的报酬
1、MS ( Monologize): Oh, It's a very important project. I have to adjust my schedule and visit Mr. Hong in person.───(独白)这个项目很重要。我还是得改变日程,亲自去拜访洪先生。
2、In the main content aspect that rich guest involves, main content is the rich guest of 47% the interior monologize of rich traveler writer or mood record.───在博客涉及的主要内容方面,47%的博客主要内容为博客作者的心灵独白或心情记录。
3、Rich objective is ultimate, wang Dahao still left a paragraph of some monologize from ridicule type.───博客最后,王大豪还留下了一段有些自嘲式的独白。
1、In the main content aspect that rich guest involves, main content is the rich guest of 47% the interior monologize of rich traveler writer or mood record.