1、How (What) about helping me off with the damp clothes?───帮我把湿衣服脱掉怎么样?
2、Damp clothes are ironed easily.───湿衣服容易熨平。
3、Damp clothes iron [press] easily.───湿衣服容易烫平。
4、Go and change out of those damp clothes into something dry.───去把湿衣服脱掉换上干的。
5、Our damp clothes dried. We spread the picnic cloth on the floor of the mine shaft, away from the edge of darkness.───我们的湿衣服干了,就在矿井里在远离黑暗边缘的地面上摊开了野餐布。
6、And don't let damp clothes sit in a hamper longer than a day.───不要将湿衣服扔在洗衣篮里超过一天。
7、The warm air is from the top down, making the damp clothes on the hanger dry rapidly from the top down.───暖风从上往下,使衣架上的潮湿衣物从上至下迅速烘干;
8、Inside the house, K. dropped the armful of damp clothes on the living room couch and picked up her handphone to call her best friends.───屋子里,K把满怀的湿衣服扔进客厅然后拿起手机打给好友。
damp clothes(英语使用场景)
1、Put those damp clothes in the dryer.
2、You should damp clothes before ironing them.
3、Damp clothes iron easily.
4、Go and change out of those damp clothes into something dry.
5、Piles of damp clothes lie on the floor next to old pairs of shoes, empty vodka bottles and scraps of paper.
6、If you put on damp clothes, you will probably catch cold.
damp clothes(意思翻译)
damp clothes(相似词语短语)
1、damp down───[冶]封火;使(某物表面)润湿; 使(兴趣、热情等)降低; 衰减; 减少
2、damp plaster───湿灰泥
5、damp air───[气象][物]潮湿空气;湿空气;潮湿空气,高湿度空气
6、damp towel───湿纸巾;湿毛巾
7、damp def───潮湿def
8、damp squib───n.失败,落空
9、damp synonym───潮湿同义词
damp clothes(双语使用场景)
1、How (What) about helping me off with the damp clothes?───帮我把湿衣服脱掉怎么样?
2、Damp clothes are ironed easily.───湿衣服容易熨平。
3、Damp clothes iron [press] easily.───湿衣服容易烫平。
4、Go and change out of those damp clothes into something dry.───去把湿衣服脱掉换上干的。
5、Our damp clothes dried. We spread the picnic cloth on the floor of the mine shaft, away from the edge of darkness.───我们的湿衣服干了,就在矿井里在远离黑暗边缘的地面上摊开了野餐布。
6、And don't let damp clothes sit in a hamper longer than a day.───不要将湿衣服扔在洗衣篮里超过一天。
7、The warm air is from the top down, making the damp clothes on the hanger dry rapidly from the top down.───暖风从上往下,使衣架上的潮湿衣物从上至下迅速烘干;
8、Inside the house, K. dropped the armful of damp clothes on the living room couch and picked up her handphone to call her best friends.───屋子里,K把满怀的湿衣服扔进客厅然后拿起手机打给好友。
damp clothes(英语使用场景)
1、Put those damp clothes in the dryer.
2、You should damp clothes before ironing them.
3、Damp clothes iron easily.
4、Go and change out of those damp clothes into something dry.
5、Piles of damp clothes lie on the floor next to old pairs of shoes, empty vodka bottles and scraps of paper.
6、If you put on damp clothes, you will probably catch cold.
7、Our damp clothes steamed in the heat.