5、touch your heart───触动人心;触摸你的心 (Tai Wan Touch Your Heart)
6、good your heart───善待你的心
7、keep your heart───保持你的心
8、your heart───你的心
9、hold your arm───抓住你的胳膊
hold your heart(双语使用场景)
1、Hold your heart with two hands───你双手捧着你的心
2、If you follow your heart and align yourself with what you hold most dear, productivity becomes irrelevant.───如果你追随内心,把你自己和你所拥有的才能联系起来,生产效率就毫不相关了。
3、I wanna hold your heart in both hands───我想将你的心捧于双手之上
4、And I will hold your heart to keep you───我会拥抱你的心
5、It means that you may not only have their heart in your hands, but you may also hold their sensitivities and their vulnerabilities, even their reputation.───那意味着你不仅能深入他们的内心,你也掌握了他们的敏感脆弱的一面,甚至他们的声誉也都在你的手上。
6、Hold your most sacred idea of life within your mind and heart as you take the ritual steps forward through the gates.───你崇敬地走向这道门时,在你意识和心中保持生命的最神圣思想。
hold your heart(意思翻译)
hold your heart(相似词语短语)
1、hold your hand───抓紧你的手;牵着你的手
2、hold your breath───屏住你的呼吸
3、hold your───抓住你的
4、hold your own───做你自己 (Hold Your Own);坚持自己
5、touch your heart───触动人心;触摸你的心 (Tai Wan Touch Your Heart)
6、good your heart───善待你的心
7、keep your heart───保持你的心
8、your heart───你的心
9、hold your arm───抓住你的胳膊
hold your heart(双语使用场景)
1、Hold your heart with two hands───你双手捧着你的心
2、If you follow your heart and align yourself with what you hold most dear, productivity becomes irrelevant.───如果你追随内心,把你自己和你所拥有的才能联系起来,生产效率就毫不相关了。
3、I wanna hold your heart in both hands───我想将你的心捧于双手之上
4、And I will hold your heart to keep you───我会拥抱你的心
5、It means that you may not only have their heart in your hands, but you may also hold their sensitivities and their vulnerabilities, even their reputation.───那意味着你不仅能深入他们的内心,你也掌握了他们的敏感脆弱的一面,甚至他们的声誉也都在你的手上。
6、Hold your most sacred idea of life within your mind and heart as you take the ritual steps forward through the gates.───你崇敬地走向这道门时,在你意识和心中保持生命的最神圣思想。