1、WebSphere Business Events logic defined for medication monitor events determines if the patient consumed the required daily dosage of CholElim.───WebSphere Business Events 针对药物监视器事件定义的逻辑判断病人是否按照所需剂量服用 CholElim。
2、Have good sense of quality, can have effective monitor of team's daily work performance.───有良好的工作品质意识,能有效监督每日的小组绩效。
3、For medication compliance, the sample scenario requires that you examine the medication monitor reading to determine if the patient has opened the blister pack containing his daily dosage of CholElim.───对于药物服用情况,样例场景需要您检查药物监视器读数来判断病人是否打开了包含其日常服用的CholElim计量的铝塑包装。
4、Daily monitor and audit the shop floor EHS to ensure the shop floor activities are compliance with the EHS regulations.───日常监控和审核生产现场的健康安全和环境,以确保生产活动符合要求;
daily monitor(意思翻译)
daily monitor(相似词语短语)
1、daily daily───每天
2、supply monitor───电源JianKongQi
5、monitor arc───监视电弧
6、monitor mode───监督方式,监控方式;[计]监控方式
7、vice monitor───副班长
8、lcd monitor───[计] 液晶显示器
9、class monitor───班长;班代
daily monitor(双语使用场景)
1、WebSphere Business Events logic defined for medication monitor events determines if the patient consumed the required daily dosage of CholElim.───WebSphere Business Events 针对药物监视器事件定义的逻辑判断病人是否按照所需剂量服用 CholElim。
2、Have good sense of quality, can have effective monitor of team's daily work performance.───有良好的工作品质意识,能有效监督每日的小组绩效。
3、For medication compliance, the sample scenario requires that you examine the medication monitor reading to determine if the patient has opened the blister pack containing his daily dosage of CholElim.───对于药物服用情况,样例场景需要您检查药物监视器读数来判断病人是否打开了包含其日常服用的CholElim计量的铝塑包装。
4、Daily monitor and audit the shop floor EHS to ensure the shop floor activities are compliance with the EHS regulations.───日常监控和审核生产现场的健康安全和环境,以确保生产活动符合要求;