1、I will bring my camera to shoot the interesting people and scenery in the small town, and also a laptop to share my life on my blog with friends.───我将用相机拍下小镇中有趣的人物和景色,此外我还准备了一台手提电脑,这样就可以在博客上和朋友分享我的生活了。
2、in the town of Mithankot, women share a mystical moment at the shrine of Khwaja Ghulam Farid, a revered 19th-century poet they consider a saint.───在米滕果德镇,妇女们在哈瓦贾·古拉姆·法拉德的圣殿分享神秘时刻,她们敬畏这位十九世纪的诗人,认为他是圣人。
3、The spring water is distributed through each town by a network of channels, carefully organised so that each family had access to its share of the water.───在镇上,山泉通过水渠网络送到每家人家,水渠的走向是仔细安排好的,这样每家人家都可以分到一份水。
share town(意思翻译)
share town(相似词语短语)
1、carder share───普通股
2、thames town───泰晤士河镇
3、market share───[贸易]市场占有率
6、gomuti town───戈木提市,
7、town word───镇字
8、large town───大城镇
9、book share───账面份额
share town(双语使用场景)
1、I will bring my camera to shoot the interesting people and scenery in the small town, and also a laptop to share my life on my blog with friends.───我将用相机拍下小镇中有趣的人物和景色,此外我还准备了一台手提电脑,这样就可以在博客上和朋友分享我的生活了。
2、in the town of Mithankot, women share a mystical moment at the shrine of Khwaja Ghulam Farid, a revered 19th-century poet they consider a saint.───在米滕果德镇,妇女们在哈瓦贾·古拉姆·法拉德的圣殿分享神秘时刻,她们敬畏这位十九世纪的诗人,认为他是圣人。
3、The spring water is distributed through each town by a network of channels, carefully organised so that each family had access to its share of the water.───在镇上,山泉通过水渠网络送到每家人家,水渠的走向是仔细安排好的,这样每家人家都可以分到一份水。