1、If it is facing the wall, the future will also be like be wall blocking general, luck can not be developed. 3: every corner cut seat seat should not be asymmetrical aisle and seat to cut.───如果是面对墙壁,前途也会像被墙阻挡一般,运气无法展开。三:座位逢切角坐位不可被不对称的走道及座位切到。
2、Patches with corner cut are widely used in microstrip circuits.───切角贴片在微带电路中得到了大量的应用。
3、It can finish the change of corner cut and truncated by changing lock bar.───用定位条更换可方便的进行切角和平切转换。
4、machine is combination machine for cut and corner cut at the same time.───本机是同时用于裁剪和切角的综合机型。
5、The most common corner cut by new art owners is shipping and packing, according to Ms. Gyorgy.───格尔吉表示,对于刚涉足艺术品收藏的新手来说,最易出问题的环节就是运输和包装。
6、Mammoths don't go down easy. There is only one way to do it. First, you have to force it into a corner. Cut off its retreat.───要杀毛象谈何容易,只有一个办法,首先,得把它逼到死角,切断它的退路。
7、CAD formula for patches with corner cut-dual mode filter and CP microstrip antenna───CAD公式分析切角贴片-双模滤波器和圆极化天线
8、This machine is combination machine for cut and corner cut at the same time.───本机是同时用于裁剪和切角的综合机型。
corner cut(英语使用场景)
1、In other words we operate with the corner cut off the Volt Vs Amp curve such that the product of the Volts and Amps is the kW figure I have given you.
2、This machine can finish the change of cut and corner cut conveniently by changing lay gauge.
3、Patches with corner cut are widely used in microstrip circuits.
4、It can finish the change of corner cut and truncated by changing lock bar.
5、If it is facing the wall, the future will also be like be wall blocking general, luck can not be developed. 3: every corner cut seat seat should not be asymmetrical aisle and seat to cut.
6、In this paper several corner cut methods are enumerated and the technology of multiple cutting cavity and convex dies is also studied. The efficient methods to cut corner are summarized in WEDM-HS.
7、As a result, they argue, shoddy merchandise would emerge, with every possible corner cut in order to lower costs, at the expense of quality.
8、This machine is combination machine for cut and corner cut at the same time.
corner cut(意思翻译)
corner cut(相似词语短语)
1、corner cabinet───墙角柜,[家具]角柜
3、cut cut───切,切
4、collaboration corner───协作角
5、corner of───……的角落
6、corner shelf───墙角架
7、doodling corner───涂鸦角
8、grammar corner───语法角
9、dunce corner───邓斯角
corner cut(双语使用场景)
1、If it is facing the wall, the future will also be like be wall blocking general, luck can not be developed. 3: every corner cut seat seat should not be asymmetrical aisle and seat to cut.───如果是面对墙壁,前途也会像被墙阻挡一般,运气无法展开。三:座位逢切角坐位不可被不对称的走道及座位切到。
2、Patches with corner cut are widely used in microstrip circuits.───切角贴片在微带电路中得到了大量的应用。
3、It can finish the change of corner cut and truncated by changing lock bar.───用定位条更换可方便的进行切角和平切转换。
4、machine is combination machine for cut and corner cut at the same time.───本机是同时用于裁剪和切角的综合机型。
5、The most common corner cut by new art owners is shipping and packing, according to Ms. Gyorgy.───格尔吉表示,对于刚涉足艺术品收藏的新手来说,最易出问题的环节就是运输和包装。
6、Mammoths don't go down easy. There is only one way to do it. First, you have to force it into a corner. Cut off its retreat.───要杀毛象谈何容易,只有一个办法,首先,得把它逼到死角,切断它的退路。
7、CAD formula for patches with corner cut-dual mode filter and CP microstrip antenna───CAD公式分析切角贴片-双模滤波器和圆极化天线
8、This machine is combination machine for cut and corner cut at the same time.───本机是同时用于裁剪和切角的综合机型。
corner cut(英语使用场景)
1、In other words we operate with the corner cut off the Volt Vs Amp curve such that the product of the Volts and Amps is the kW figure I have given you.
2、This machine can finish the change of cut and corner cut conveniently by changing lay gauge.
3、Patches with corner cut are widely used in microstrip circuits.
4、It can finish the change of corner cut and truncated by changing lock bar.
5、If it is facing the wall, the future will also be like be wall blocking general, luck can not be developed. 3: every corner cut seat seat should not be asymmetrical aisle and seat to cut.
6、In this paper several corner cut methods are enumerated and the technology of multiple cutting cavity and convex dies is also studied. The efficient methods to cut corner are summarized in WEDM-HS.
7、As a result, they argue, shoddy merchandise would emerge, with every possible corner cut in order to lower costs, at the expense of quality.
8、This machine is combination machine for cut and corner cut at the same time.