1、This mode of craft production favored the growth of self-governing and ideologically egalitarian craft guilds everywhere in the Middle Eastern city.───这种工艺生产模式促进了中东城市自治和意识形态平等的工艺行业的发展。
2、Canada and South Africa used to be British colonies; now they are self-governing and are called Dominions.───加拿大和南非以前是英国殖民地,现在他们是自治的,称为自治镇。
3、The uber bucket needs to be self-governing in that it needs a way of validating the information that it contains.───超级木桶需要自我管理,需要一种确认它包含信息的方法。
4、Its nominal status in the United Nations remained that of a "non-self-governing" territory under the Portugese administration.───而其在LianHeGuo名义上之地位(归属),却仍为葡萄牙政权下之「非自治领土」。
5、Singapore became a self-governing crown colony with Lee Kuan Yew from the People's Action Party (PAP) as the first Prime Minister of Singapore.───新加坡成为自治的直辖殖民地,人民行动党的李光耀成为新加坡首任ZongLi。
6、They started arguing about its make-up and powers even before Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867.───加拿大1867年成为自治领前,参院组成与权限就一直存在争议。
7、There has long been a debate on whether the Turks and Caicos and other micro-states in the region are viable as self-governing entities.───关于特克斯和开科斯群岛以及该地区其他超小国家成为自主实体是否可行,已经争论了很长时间。
8、Beijing has long wanted Washington to stop selling arms to Taiwan, a self-governing island that China considers part of its territory.───长期以来北京方面都希望美国停止对TaiJun售,TaiWan是一个拥有自己政府的岛屿,而中国认为贪玩是其领土的一部分。
9、Instance: An individual belonging to a given class, e. g. "Argentina" is an instance of the class of territories that are "self-governing" .───例证:属于一特定类别的个体,比如“阿根廷”就是领地类别的例证。
self governing(英语使用场景)
1、This meant the subordination of all individuals and self governing bodies to the Government.
self governing(意思翻译)
self governing(相似词语短语)
2、amphitheater governing board───圆形剧场管理委员会
3、governing council───理事会; 管理委员会;理事会;管理委员会
4、governing body───管理团体,主管部门;主管团体
5、governing quarters───管理区
6、governing board───理事会;董事会;理事会,董事会
7、governing dynamic───治理动态
8、self───adj.同一的;vt.使自花授精;使近亲繁殖;n.自己,自我;本质;私心;n. (Self)(英)塞尔夫(人名);vi.自花授精
9、governing law───管辖法;统治法律
self governing(双语使用场景)
1、This mode of craft production favored the growth of self-governing and ideologically egalitarian craft guilds everywhere in the Middle Eastern city.───这种工艺生产模式促进了中东城市自治和意识形态平等的工艺行业的发展。
2、Canada and South Africa used to be British colonies; now they are self-governing and are called Dominions.───加拿大和南非以前是英国殖民地,现在他们是自治的,称为自治镇。
3、The uber bucket needs to be self-governing in that it needs a way of validating the information that it contains.───超级木桶需要自我管理,需要一种确认它包含信息的方法。
4、Its nominal status in the United Nations remained that of a "non-self-governing" territory under the Portugese administration.───而其在LianHeGuo名义上之地位(归属),却仍为葡萄牙政权下之「非自治领土」。
5、Singapore became a self-governing crown colony with Lee Kuan Yew from the People's Action Party (PAP) as the first Prime Minister of Singapore.───新加坡成为自治的直辖殖民地,人民行动党的李光耀成为新加坡首任ZongLi。
6、They started arguing about its make-up and powers even before Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867.───加拿大1867年成为自治领前,参院组成与权限就一直存在争议。
7、There has long been a debate on whether the Turks and Caicos and other micro-states in the region are viable as self-governing entities.───关于特克斯和开科斯群岛以及该地区其他超小国家成为自主实体是否可行,已经争论了很长时间。
8、Beijing has long wanted Washington to stop selling arms to Taiwan, a self-governing island that China considers part of its territory.───长期以来北京方面都希望美国停止对TaiJun售,TaiWan是一个拥有自己政府的岛屿,而中国认为贪玩是其领土的一部分。
9、Instance: An individual belonging to a given class, e. g. "Argentina" is an instance of the class of territories that are "self-governing" .───例证:属于一特定类别的个体,比如“阿根廷”就是领地类别的例证。
self governing(英语使用场景)
1、This meant the subordination of all individuals and self governing bodies to the Government.