1、Every Chinese visitor to the World Expo must think: "The world is looking at me while I am looking at it. "───要使每个来参观世博会的中国人意识到,我去看世界,世界也在看着我。
2、At the World Expo, you never run out of things to see, hear, and taste.───在世博,你有看不完,听不完,尝不完的东西。
3、The World Expo in Shanghai, with its theme of Better City, Better Life, showcased the innovations being used to improve city life.───以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题的上海世博会展示了用于改善城市生活的各种创新。
4、CHINESE officials said the opening of the World Expo in Shanghai on April 30th would be simple and frugal. It wasn't.───尽管中国官员曾说4月30日开幕的上海世博会将会是简单节俭的,但事实并非如此。
5、The World Expo is a global event, huge in space and content.───世博会是一项全球性的活动,在规模和内容上堪称宏大。
6、Time goes by and the World Expo has gone through 158 years.───斗转星移,世博会已经走过了158个春秋。
7、with the World Expo coming up, i think it necessary to improve the qualities of every citizen.───随着世博临近,我认为所有市民都有必要提高素质
8、It is no doubt that the World Expo is another platform for her tour performances "erhu holding hands with the world" .───同时,世博会也是她“二胡与世界握手”世界巡回系列文化交流演出又一个平台。
9、will be used in the World Expo in July.───7月,该献血车将开进世博园。
the world expo(英语使用场景)
1、The World Expo is a gathering of human civilization, is the world's multi-cultural blending platform, is a witness to an important dak in development of human civilization.
2、To ensure an efficient traffic operation during the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, it is not sufficient to solely depend on increasing capacities of transportation facilities.
3、In 1996 painting Ice flocculus of national Rhine Cup Art Competition Gold income Provision world famous painting ceremony, works published in the World Expo authentic painting celebrities.
4、To ensure an efficient traffic operation during the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, it is important to develop an information system for better traffic management decisions during the Expo.
5、The World Expo Hotel Zhejiang is a luxury five - star standard business hotel administration center of Jiashan.
6、Data shows that the World Expo to be held from the building, only the Shanghai logistics professionals will be a net increase of one million.
7、Organizers said on Sunday that the World Expo 2010 will help Shanghai become a multi-cultural cosmopolis .
8、At the World Expo we demonstrate that the Dutch are able to live below sea level and that our country is a global player in some fields as a result of creativity, innovation and wilfulness.
9、Shanghai is bidding farewell to the World Expo - a six-month event showcasing China's rise in the world.
the world expo(意思翻译)
the world expo(相似词语短语)
1、film expo───电影博览会
2、to the world───<俚>极度地,完全地;完全地;极度地
3、one the world───一个世界
4、flatting expo───平面展
5、leap expo───飞跃博览会
6、brede expo───广泛接触
7、play the world───玩世界
8、crappie expo───克拉皮博览会
9、expo park───世博公园
the world expo(双语使用场景)
1、Every Chinese visitor to the World Expo must think: "The world is looking at me while I am looking at it. "───要使每个来参观世博会的中国人意识到,我去看世界,世界也在看着我。
2、At the World Expo, you never run out of things to see, hear, and taste.───在世博,你有看不完,听不完,尝不完的东西。
3、The World Expo in Shanghai, with its theme of Better City, Better Life, showcased the innovations being used to improve city life.───以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题的上海世博会展示了用于改善城市生活的各种创新。
4、CHINESE officials said the opening of the World Expo in Shanghai on April 30th would be simple and frugal. It wasn't.───尽管中国官员曾说4月30日开幕的上海世博会将会是简单节俭的,但事实并非如此。
5、The World Expo is a global event, huge in space and content.───世博会是一项全球性的活动,在规模和内容上堪称宏大。
6、Time goes by and the World Expo has gone through 158 years.───斗转星移,世博会已经走过了158个春秋。
7、with the World Expo coming up, i think it necessary to improve the qualities of every citizen.───随着世博临近,我认为所有市民都有必要提高素质
8、It is no doubt that the World Expo is another platform for her tour performances "erhu holding hands with the world" .───同时,世博会也是她“二胡与世界握手”世界巡回系列文化交流演出又一个平台。
9、will be used in the World Expo in July.───7月,该献血车将开进世博园。
the world expo(英语使用场景)
1、The World Expo is a gathering of human civilization, is the world's multi-cultural blending platform, is a witness to an important dak in development of human civilization.
2、To ensure an efficient traffic operation during the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, it is not sufficient to solely depend on increasing capacities of transportation facilities.
3、In 1996 painting Ice flocculus of national Rhine Cup Art Competition Gold income Provision world famous painting ceremony, works published in the World Expo authentic painting celebrities.
4、To ensure an efficient traffic operation during the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, it is important to develop an information system for better traffic management decisions during the Expo.
5、The World Expo Hotel Zhejiang is a luxury five - star standard business hotel administration center of Jiashan.
6、Data shows that the World Expo to be held from the building, only the Shanghai logistics professionals will be a net increase of one million.
7、Organizers said on Sunday that the World Expo 2010 will help Shanghai become a multi-cultural cosmopolis .
8、At the World Expo we demonstrate that the Dutch are able to live below sea level and that our country is a global player in some fields as a result of creativity, innovation and wilfulness.
9、Shanghai is bidding farewell to the World Expo - a six-month event showcasing China's rise in the world.