1、Good Housekeeping Plan Merit Award from the Occupational Safety and Health Council───于职业安全健康局「良好工作场所整理计划2006」中荣获优异奖
2、This year, she was granted the merit-award scholarship by the most prestigious French Political Science institution, Sciences Po Paris.───她今年再接再厉,获著名的巴黎政治学院取录为硕士生,并获发奖学金。
3、They even agreed to keep talking about improving how they award patents, a crucial step to prevent the proliferation of parasitic patents of little merit.───他们也曾同意继续商讨改善专利授予体系,这对防止那些没有价值的垃圾专利的扩散非常关键。
4、Green Buildings Award - Merit Award of Existing Buildings Category───环保建筑奖现有建筑类别优异奖
5、The Merit Award in the New Construction Category of the Green Building Award 2008.───红磡湾校园荣膺2008年环保建筑大奖(全新建筑类别)优异奖。
6、Merit Award in the Source Separation of Domestic Waste Competition───家居废物源头分类计划优异奖
7、Asia Pacific Customer Service Manager Merit Award───亚太KeHuFuWu优秀管理人奖
8、American Society of Landscape Architects - Merit Award───美国园林设计师协会-莫瑞特大奖
9、The Oscar statuettes, officially dubbed the Academy Award of Merit, have a 24-karat gold plating on their surface.───正式称为学院奖的奥斯卡小雕像,表面镀有一层24k的黄金。
merit award(英语使用场景)
1、She received a merit award for outstanding work.
2、One bit of unfinished business was to obtain for Joe the Legion of Merit award.
3、Cicely received a merit award for services to Medau in 1982 and is currently one of the Society's Examiners.
merit award(意思翻译)
merit award(相似词语短语)
1、merit function───优值函数;优化方程;优质函数
2、dedicating merit───奉献功绩
4、distinction merit───优异成绩
5、with merit───与优点;良好
6、declines award───谢绝奖
7、award ceremony───颁奖仪式,颁奖典礼
8、merit degree───功绩学位
merit award(双语使用场景)
1、Good Housekeeping Plan Merit Award from the Occupational Safety and Health Council───于职业安全健康局「良好工作场所整理计划2006」中荣获优异奖
2、This year, she was granted the merit-award scholarship by the most prestigious French Political Science institution, Sciences Po Paris.───她今年再接再厉,获著名的巴黎政治学院取录为硕士生,并获发奖学金。
3、They even agreed to keep talking about improving how they award patents, a crucial step to prevent the proliferation of parasitic patents of little merit.───他们也曾同意继续商讨改善专利授予体系,这对防止那些没有价值的垃圾专利的扩散非常关键。
4、Green Buildings Award - Merit Award of Existing Buildings Category───环保建筑奖现有建筑类别优异奖
5、The Merit Award in the New Construction Category of the Green Building Award 2008.───红磡湾校园荣膺2008年环保建筑大奖(全新建筑类别)优异奖。
6、Merit Award in the Source Separation of Domestic Waste Competition───家居废物源头分类计划优异奖
7、Asia Pacific Customer Service Manager Merit Award───亚太KeHuFuWu优秀管理人奖
8、American Society of Landscape Architects - Merit Award───美国园林设计师协会-莫瑞特大奖
9、The Oscar statuettes, officially dubbed the Academy Award of Merit, have a 24-karat gold plating on their surface.───正式称为学院奖的奥斯卡小雕像,表面镀有一层24k的黄金。
merit award(英语使用场景)
1、She received a merit award for outstanding work.
2、One bit of unfinished business was to obtain for Joe the Legion of Merit award.
3、Cicely received a merit award for services to Medau in 1982 and is currently one of the Society's Examiners.