9、m d m───abbr.工程数据管理 (Master Data Management);维修诊断手册 (Maintenance Diagnostic Manual)
god m(双语使用场景)
1、Just one last question. What does a person see when they see God? M───主持人:最后一个问题,当看到上帝时,会看到什么?
2、The idea behind it is M-theory, which, he says, allows there to be many universes that were created out of nothing, none of which required the intervention of God.───这个思想的背后即是“M理论”,他说,这个理论支持多个宇宙在虚无中诞生出来,没有一个需要上帝的旨意。
3、that comes to mind here, others have written about M-theory, is of a God blowing soap bubbles.───上帝吹肥皂泡的景象浮现在我们的脑中,其他人在谈及M理论时也这样表述。
4、Good God! the district-attorney shakes his head; you say, 'M.───上帝! 检察官先生,您摇着头说:‘马德兰先生疯了。’
god m(意思翻译)
god m(相似词语短语)
2、uncreated god───非造物主
3、m m ss───m m ss公司
4、straitjacket m/m───紧身衣m/m
5、god knows───天知道; 我不知道; 的确; 确实;天晓得
6、playing god───[电影]洛城疑云
7、m m m───m m m m
8、god god too───上帝上帝也是
9、m d m───abbr.工程数据管理 (Master Data Management);维修诊断手册 (Maintenance Diagnostic Manual)
god m(双语使用场景)
1、Just one last question. What does a person see when they see God? M───主持人:最后一个问题,当看到上帝时,会看到什么?
2、The idea behind it is M-theory, which, he says, allows there to be many universes that were created out of nothing, none of which required the intervention of God.───这个思想的背后即是“M理论”,他说,这个理论支持多个宇宙在虚无中诞生出来,没有一个需要上帝的旨意。
3、that comes to mind here, others have written about M-theory, is of a God blowing soap bubbles.───上帝吹肥皂泡的景象浮现在我们的脑中,其他人在谈及M理论时也这样表述。
4、Good God! the district-attorney shakes his head; you say, 'M.───上帝! 检察官先生,您摇着头说:‘马德兰先生疯了。’