1、The expansion of base money does not lead automatically to an expansion in the overall money supply, as you know well.───你非常清楚,基础货币的扩张并不一定会导致总体货币供给的扩张。
2、Single out a few people you know well, have worked with before, and who would be excited about this project.───选出几个你熟知的、曾经共过事、并可能对此项目感兴趣的几个人。
3、If you are talking about a subject you know well, as I've just advised, prepared, preparing the speech itself should not be too difficult.───如果你正在谈论一个你很熟悉的话题,就像我刚才建议的,做好准备;准备演讲本身应该不是太难。
4、In this exercise, your goal is to begin to explore the roots of your own identity or the identity of someone you know well.───在这项练习当中,你们的目标是要探索你们自己或是某位你相当熟悉的人士身份认同的根本。
5、You've heard that many westerners do not like to discuss their private lives or their families with people they do not know well.───你已听说许多西方人不喜欢与他们不熟悉的人讨论他们的私人生活或家人。
6、It is necessary for the prince to know well how to use the beast and the man.───王子懂得如何使用兽和人是很必要的。
7、If you are talking about a subject you know well, as I've just advised, preparing the speech itself should not be too difficult.───正如我刚才所说,如果你要讲的主题是你所熟悉的,那么准备工作将不会太难。
8、You associate each part of what you have to remember with a landmark in a route you know well, like your commute to work.───把你熟记的路线都联系起来,你比如乘车上班。
9、Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to stop feeling shy or uncomfortable around someone you don't know well.───打破沉默”指的是在一个你不太了解的人身边说或做某事来让自己不再感到害羞或不舒服。
know well(英语使用场景)
1、The inside of the church I now know well.
2、They know well enough what we mean.
3、Know well about propulsion system knowledge.
4、It is a lesson most trial lawyers know well.
5、Know well about production method, process and production cycle.
6、To know well with the Product Drawing and Part Drawing.
7、Know well about storage and backup system.
8、Write a description of someone you know well.
9、Choose people you know well and trust and with whom you can share the details of your affairs.
know well(意思翻译)
know well(相似词语短语)
1、i know you well───我很了解你
4、i know know you───我认识你
5、know him well───很了解他
6、well know───众所周知
7、well well well───很好很好
8、well-know patriot songs───大家都知道爱国者的歌
9、know me well───很了解我
know well(双语使用场景)
1、The expansion of base money does not lead automatically to an expansion in the overall money supply, as you know well.───你非常清楚,基础货币的扩张并不一定会导致总体货币供给的扩张。
2、Single out a few people you know well, have worked with before, and who would be excited about this project.───选出几个你熟知的、曾经共过事、并可能对此项目感兴趣的几个人。
3、If you are talking about a subject you know well, as I've just advised, prepared, preparing the speech itself should not be too difficult.───如果你正在谈论一个你很熟悉的话题,就像我刚才建议的,做好准备;准备演讲本身应该不是太难。
4、In this exercise, your goal is to begin to explore the roots of your own identity or the identity of someone you know well.───在这项练习当中,你们的目标是要探索你们自己或是某位你相当熟悉的人士身份认同的根本。
5、You've heard that many westerners do not like to discuss their private lives or their families with people they do not know well.───你已听说许多西方人不喜欢与他们不熟悉的人讨论他们的私人生活或家人。
6、It is necessary for the prince to know well how to use the beast and the man.───王子懂得如何使用兽和人是很必要的。
7、If you are talking about a subject you know well, as I've just advised, preparing the speech itself should not be too difficult.───正如我刚才所说,如果你要讲的主题是你所熟悉的,那么准备工作将不会太难。
8、You associate each part of what you have to remember with a landmark in a route you know well, like your commute to work.───把你熟记的路线都联系起来,你比如乘车上班。
9、Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to stop feeling shy or uncomfortable around someone you don't know well.───打破沉默”指的是在一个你不太了解的人身边说或做某事来让自己不再感到害羞或不舒服。
know well(英语使用场景)
1、The inside of the church I now know well.
2、They know well enough what we mean.
3、Know well about propulsion system knowledge.
4、It is a lesson most trial lawyers know well.
5、Know well about production method, process and production cycle.
6、To know well with the Product Drawing and Part Drawing.
7、Know well about storage and backup system.
8、Write a description of someone you know well.
9、Choose people you know well and trust and with whom you can share the details of your affairs.