1、Even though you practice a great leadership, smart people will not appreciate it.───即使你领导得很好,聪明人也不会认可你的领导能力。
2、Great leadership, great planning, great motivation, and with that, you truly can do great things.───伟大的领导力,计划,干劲儿,有了这些,你就能做成伟大的事情。
3、Takeaway: Are great leadership skills enough to overcome a lack of experience?───伟大的领导力技巧能否足以克服经验的缺失呢?
4、This is the heart of great leadership, especially now when so much is changing so quickly.───这才是伟大领导能力的核心所在,尤其是当前很多事情都在迅速变化的时候。
5、By doing so, we honor our commitment to Service Above Self and continue to show the world the great leadership of Rotary International.───这麽做意味著我们仍尊崇「我服务」并继续向全世界展现国际扶轮的伟大领导能力。
6、But we almost never hear about great leadership in higher education, and a case can be made that this is because there is very little of it.───然而,我们几乎从来没有在高等教育方面听说过杰出领导的事情,确实这种事情极少发生。
7、He has bridged the "Golden Generation" and has shown great leadership, being named one of the club captains at Atletico Madrid.───作为“黄金一代”中的一员,西芒很好的进行角色转换并展现出了伟大的领导才能,因此成为马德里竞技俱乐部的队长。
great leadership(英语使用场景)
1、The script and earlier iteration of this episode had this as the Jedi Fortune Cookie message at the start of the episode: Great leadership comes in all sizes.
great leadership(意思翻译)
great leadership(相似词语短语)
2、democratic leadership───[经] 民主领导方式; 民主式领导
3、transformational leadership───变革型领导
4、ambidextrous leadership───双重领导
5、great great───好极了好极了
6、leadership qualities───领导素质
7、business leadership───商业领导力
8、servant leadership───仆人式领导力
9、commandant leadership───指挥官领导
great leadership(双语使用场景)
1、Even though you practice a great leadership, smart people will not appreciate it.───即使你领导得很好,聪明人也不会认可你的领导能力。
2、Great leadership, great planning, great motivation, and with that, you truly can do great things.───伟大的领导力,计划,干劲儿,有了这些,你就能做成伟大的事情。
3、Takeaway: Are great leadership skills enough to overcome a lack of experience?───伟大的领导力技巧能否足以克服经验的缺失呢?
4、This is the heart of great leadership, especially now when so much is changing so quickly.───这才是伟大领导能力的核心所在,尤其是当前很多事情都在迅速变化的时候。
5、By doing so, we honor our commitment to Service Above Self and continue to show the world the great leadership of Rotary International.───这麽做意味著我们仍尊崇「我服务」并继续向全世界展现国际扶轮的伟大领导能力。
6、But we almost never hear about great leadership in higher education, and a case can be made that this is because there is very little of it.───然而,我们几乎从来没有在高等教育方面听说过杰出领导的事情,确实这种事情极少发生。
7、He has bridged the "Golden Generation" and has shown great leadership, being named one of the club captains at Atletico Madrid.───作为“黄金一代”中的一员,西芒很好的进行角色转换并展现出了伟大的领导才能,因此成为马德里竞技俱乐部的队长。
great leadership(英语使用场景)
1、The script and earlier iteration of this episode had this as the Jedi Fortune Cookie message at the start of the episode: Great leadership comes in all sizes.