1、you know, my child, it'll be the fifteenth in two days, so if you could lend me three or four hundred francs, you'd be doing me a good turn.───您知道,我的孩子,再过两天就是十五号,如果您能借我三四百法郎,您就帮了我的大忙啦。
2、Katz hopscotched along a strip of hotels near Mitchell International Airport, staying at one for three or four days, then moving to the next, usually less than a few hundred yards away.───Katz在Mitchell国际机场附近不停地更换旅馆,在每一家停留三到四天,然后搬到几百米外的另外一家去住。
3、Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train.───那位JingCha对他说,那辆自行车是5天前在400英里外的一个小村里发现的,现在正用火车给他运回家来。
four hundred days(意思翻译)
four hundred days(相似词语短语)
1、hundred feet───一百英尺
2、four hundred───四百;n.名流,绅士;名流;绅士
3、hilly hundred───百山
5、six hundred───六百
6、hundred of───百分之一百
7、hundred days───n.百日王朝(拿破仑一世第二次统治法国时期的称谓,从1815年3月20日至6月28日,约百日);n.百日王朝(拿破仑一世第二次统治法国时期的称谓,从1815年3月20日至6月28日)
8、one hundred days───一百天
four hundred days(双语使用场景)
1、you know, my child, it'll be the fifteenth in two days, so if you could lend me three or four hundred francs, you'd be doing me a good turn.───您知道,我的孩子,再过两天就是十五号,如果您能借我三四百法郎,您就帮了我的大忙啦。
2、Katz hopscotched along a strip of hotels near Mitchell International Airport, staying at one for three or four days, then moving to the next, usually less than a few hundred yards away.───Katz在Mitchell国际机场附近不停地更换旅馆,在每一家停留三到四天,然后搬到几百米外的另外一家去住。
3、Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train.───那位JingCha对他说,那辆自行车是5天前在400英里外的一个小村里发现的,现在正用火车给他运回家来。