1、This vegetable oil product is a by-product of the palm kernel oil industry.───该植物油为棕榈仁油工业中的副产品。
2、The roof of your home is probably made waterproof by an oil product, bitumen.───你家的屋顶可能是用一种叫沥青的石油产品做成防水的。
3、The job would involve working in oil companies and oil product manufacturers.───这项工作包括在石油公司或石油产品制造商上班。
4、China's oil product market has turned from a sellers' market to a buyers' market as domestic demand still remains weak.───中国的石油产品市场由于国内需要疲软而从卖方市场转为了买方市场。
5、However , any benefits from lower crude costs would be pared by a reduction in domestic oil product prices .───不过,原油成本降低的有利影响将被国内成品油价格的下降抵消。
6、Brake fluid is another oil product used for a hydraulic brake or a clutch cylinder of a car.───制动液是装备液压制动和离合器工作缸的汽车使用的另一种油料。
7、Among leading banks Citi and Morgan Stanley forecast for a modest rise as global economic activities may boost oil product demand.───在主要银行中,花旗集团和摩根士丹利预计炼油利润将温和回升,因全球经济活动可能刺激石油产品的需求。
8、The roof of your home is probably made waterproof by an oil product, bitumen.───你家的屋顶可能是用一种叫沥青的石油产品做成放水的。
9、The storage tank was tilted and oil product was leaked due to asymmetry submergence of the foundation of floating roof tank.───由于浮顶罐基础不均匀下沉,致使罐体倾斜,并导致油品泄漏。
oil product(英语使用场景)
1、China's oil product market has turned from a sellers' market to a buyers' market as domestic demand still remains weak.
2、Between July and August, oil product prices fell 0.2 per cent.
3、Article 3 The MOFTEC shall be responsible for the state trading administration and the non-state trading administration of the import of crude oil, product oil and fertilizer.
4、These resins may be used in water shutoff profile control, pealing pipe line, dewatering of oil product and crude oil, and sewage disposal etc. in petroleum industry.
5、The article analyses the inadequate capacity of refining in America which is the primary factor to influence oil product supply.
6、Article 2 The state shall apply state trading administration to the import of crude oil, product oil and fertilizer.
7、This vegetable oil product is a by-product of the palm kernel oil industry.
8、Crude Oil, Product Oil, Edible Oil, Natural Gas, Chemical Material, LNG, CWM, Sewage, Tap Water, etc.
9、It also raised Chinese oil product demand forecast by 130,000 bpd from the previous report to reach 9 million bpd this year on back of a large 510,000 bpd upward revision just for the first quarter.
oil product(意思翻译)
oil product(相似词语短语)
1、slimmer product───减肥产品
3、product rule───乘法定则;[数]乘积法则
4、product concept───[经] 生产观点;产品概念
5、hair product───美发产品
6、wrought product───锻制品
7、a product───一个产品
8、procuring product───采购产品
9、run product───运行产品
oil product(双语使用场景)
1、This vegetable oil product is a by-product of the palm kernel oil industry.───该植物油为棕榈仁油工业中的副产品。
2、The roof of your home is probably made waterproof by an oil product, bitumen.───你家的屋顶可能是用一种叫沥青的石油产品做成防水的。
3、The job would involve working in oil companies and oil product manufacturers.───这项工作包括在石油公司或石油产品制造商上班。
4、China's oil product market has turned from a sellers' market to a buyers' market as domestic demand still remains weak.───中国的石油产品市场由于国内需要疲软而从卖方市场转为了买方市场。
5、However , any benefits from lower crude costs would be pared by a reduction in domestic oil product prices .───不过,原油成本降低的有利影响将被国内成品油价格的下降抵消。
6、Brake fluid is another oil product used for a hydraulic brake or a clutch cylinder of a car.───制动液是装备液压制动和离合器工作缸的汽车使用的另一种油料。
7、Among leading banks Citi and Morgan Stanley forecast for a modest rise as global economic activities may boost oil product demand.───在主要银行中,花旗集团和摩根士丹利预计炼油利润将温和回升,因全球经济活动可能刺激石油产品的需求。
8、The roof of your home is probably made waterproof by an oil product, bitumen.───你家的屋顶可能是用一种叫沥青的石油产品做成放水的。
9、The storage tank was tilted and oil product was leaked due to asymmetry submergence of the foundation of floating roof tank.───由于浮顶罐基础不均匀下沉,致使罐体倾斜,并导致油品泄漏。
oil product(英语使用场景)
1、China's oil product market has turned from a sellers' market to a buyers' market as domestic demand still remains weak.
2、Between July and August, oil product prices fell 0.2 per cent.
3、Article 3 The MOFTEC shall be responsible for the state trading administration and the non-state trading administration of the import of crude oil, product oil and fertilizer.
4、These resins may be used in water shutoff profile control, pealing pipe line, dewatering of oil product and crude oil, and sewage disposal etc. in petroleum industry.
5、The article analyses the inadequate capacity of refining in America which is the primary factor to influence oil product supply.
6、Article 2 The state shall apply state trading administration to the import of crude oil, product oil and fertilizer.
7、This vegetable oil product is a by-product of the palm kernel oil industry.
8、Crude Oil, Product Oil, Edible Oil, Natural Gas, Chemical Material, LNG, CWM, Sewage, Tap Water, etc.
9、It also raised Chinese oil product demand forecast by 130,000 bpd from the previous report to reach 9 million bpd this year on back of a large 510,000 bpd upward revision just for the first quarter.