1、It is this hydrostatic pressure that maintains the turgidity of plant parts.───就是这种流体静压维持植物各部分的膨胀度。
2、Observe how its size increases in its travel up the tube, as the Hydrostatic Pressure decreases.───观察它在管内上升过程中大小是如何随流体静压力的降低而增加的。
3、The validity and high efficiency are demonstrated by the case of an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA) system.───通过多余度舵机案例对方法的正确性和FangZhen效率进行验证。
4、Increases in hydrostatic pressure alone would force water out of the cell rather than cause increased growth.───仅在静水压力增大将迫使水出细胞,而不是导致增加的增长。
5、is the hydrostatic pressure at 5000 feet?───在5000英尺深处静压力是多少?
6、It may be alternatively expressed as pressure potential-the hydrostatic pressure to which water in a liquid phase is subjected.───膨压也可以用压力势表示,即液态水产生的静水压。
7、When under normal operation, the hydrostatic oil pressure can be shut down, and the bearing can run within hydrodynamic lubrication regime.───平时正常Cao作时,可关闭液静油压,使轴承以液动润滑型态运转;
8、The invention relates to a method and device used for testing the thickness of a hydrostatic oil film.───本发明是一种用于静压油膜厚度测量的方法及装置。
1、Hydrostatic bearing can solve the equilibrium problem of axial force of multistage centrifugal pump satisfactorily.
2、The term is sometimes used synonymously with hydrostatic head.
6、The velocities are independent of hydrostatic pressures.
7、Skeleton: turgor of coelom provides a hydrostatic skeleton.
8、These results showed that hydrostatic high - pressure technology could be applied to tenderization of muscle meat.
9、The hydrostatic test system for tubing and casing includes main body system, hydraulic system, hydraulic pressure system, pneumatic system and data acquisition and control system.
1、hydrostatic pressure───流体静压(力);[流]液体静压力
1、It is this hydrostatic pressure that maintains the turgidity of plant parts.───就是这种流体静压维持植物各部分的膨胀度。
2、Observe how its size increases in its travel up the tube, as the Hydrostatic Pressure decreases.───观察它在管内上升过程中大小是如何随流体静压力的降低而增加的。
3、The validity and high efficiency are demonstrated by the case of an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA) system.───通过多余度舵机案例对方法的正确性和FangZhen效率进行验证。
4、Increases in hydrostatic pressure alone would force water out of the cell rather than cause increased growth.───仅在静水压力增大将迫使水出细胞,而不是导致增加的增长。
5、is the hydrostatic pressure at 5000 feet?───在5000英尺深处静压力是多少?
6、It may be alternatively expressed as pressure potential-the hydrostatic pressure to which water in a liquid phase is subjected.───膨压也可以用压力势表示,即液态水产生的静水压。
7、When under normal operation, the hydrostatic oil pressure can be shut down, and the bearing can run within hydrodynamic lubrication regime.───平时正常Cao作时,可关闭液静油压,使轴承以液动润滑型态运转;
8、The invention relates to a method and device used for testing the thickness of a hydrostatic oil film.───本发明是一种用于静压油膜厚度测量的方法及装置。
1、Hydrostatic bearing can solve the equilibrium problem of axial force of multistage centrifugal pump satisfactorily.
2、The term is sometimes used synonymously with hydrostatic head.
3、RUGGEDNESS. Hydrostatic transmission. Dual hydraulic wheel motors.
4、To attain hydrostatic equilibrium the position of the lithosphere adjusts vertically in accordance with its density and thickness.
5、RUGGEDNESS . Hydrostatic transmission, dual hydraulic wheel motors.
6、The velocities are independent of hydrostatic pressures.
7、Skeleton: turgor of coelom provides a hydrostatic skeleton.
8、These results showed that hydrostatic high - pressure technology could be applied to tenderization of muscle meat.
9、The hydrostatic test system for tubing and casing includes main body system, hydraulic system, hydraulic pressure system, pneumatic system and data acquisition and control system.