1、In Pennsylvania, local party officials have traded allegations of improprieties over the handling of absentee ballots.───在宾夕法尼亚州,两党在当地的党务人员已在相互指控对方在处理缺席选票方面存在不当行为。
2、The process for counting absentee ballots was streamlined.───对点算选票的过程进行了精简。
3、Steve Smith testified about his role in gathering absentee ballots from residents in his father's nursing home.───史蒂夫.史密斯在证词中讲到他在父亲开设的疗养院内收集院中住户缺席选票时所扮演的角色。
4、Absentee ballots permit registered voters to mail in their votes.───缺席投票允许登记选民通过电子邮件投票。
5、In many countries citizens who are unable to make it to the polling station are granted absentee ballots .───在很多国家,如果公民无法赶到投票所投票可以行使不在籍投票权利。
6、City officials are debating whether to allow late absentee ballots due to the unprecedented election day storm.───市府官员仍在讨论是否能因为这场空前的风暴而接纳缺席者晚到的选票。
absentee ballots(英语使用场景)
1、Absentee ballots were tallied three days after the election.
2、Although the exit polls predicted a very close race, they could not measure early or absentee ballots.
3、Buchanan and the pundits credit Forbes' early use of absentee ballots.
absentee ballots(意思翻译)
absentee ballots(相似词语短语)
1、fraud ballots───欺诈选票
2、absentee meaning───缺席含义
3、absentee vote───缺席选票〔投票人在选举期间不能到场而通过邮寄方式投的票〕
4、crumpling ballots───皱巴巴的选票
5、outstanding ballots───未付选票
6、spoiled ballots───废票
7、curing ballots───养护选票
9、absentee by───缺席
absentee ballots(双语使用场景)
1、In Pennsylvania, local party officials have traded allegations of improprieties over the handling of absentee ballots.───在宾夕法尼亚州,两党在当地的党务人员已在相互指控对方在处理缺席选票方面存在不当行为。
2、The process for counting absentee ballots was streamlined.───对点算选票的过程进行了精简。
3、Steve Smith testified about his role in gathering absentee ballots from residents in his father's nursing home.───史蒂夫.史密斯在证词中讲到他在父亲开设的疗养院内收集院中住户缺席选票时所扮演的角色。
4、Absentee ballots permit registered voters to mail in their votes.───缺席投票允许登记选民通过电子邮件投票。
5、In many countries citizens who are unable to make it to the polling station are granted absentee ballots .───在很多国家,如果公民无法赶到投票所投票可以行使不在籍投票权利。
6、City officials are debating whether to allow late absentee ballots due to the unprecedented election day storm.───市府官员仍在讨论是否能因为这场空前的风暴而接纳缺席者晚到的选票。
absentee ballots(英语使用场景)
1、Absentee ballots were tallied three days after the election.
2、Although the exit polls predicted a very close race, they could not measure early or absentee ballots.
3、Buchanan and the pundits credit Forbes' early use of absentee ballots.