1、We must listen to the growing number of Africans who are telling us they want markets and opportunities, not aid dependency.───我们也必须拓宽视野。 我们必须倾听越来越多的非洲国家的意见:它们需要的是市场与机会,而不是是依赖援助。
2、It tries to extract the dependency rule from a finite number of examples, with the ultimate aim of predicting the future unknown samples as accurate as possible.───它利用有限数量的观测来寻求待求的依赖关系,目标是在未来样本上的预测越准确越好。
3、well-formed dependency graph will show a minimal number of dependencies.───格式正确的依赖项关系图显示的依赖关系数量将很少。
dependency number(意思翻译)
dependency number(相似词语短语)
1、dependency on───对……的依赖性
2、dependency status───依赖关系状态
4、dependency needs───依爱需求;依赖需求
5、dependency annotations───依赖项批注
6、dependency parsing───依存关系语法分析;依存关系句法分析
7、dependency rate───抚养比
8、dependency injection───依赖注入
9、dependency walker───依赖行者
dependency number(双语使用场景)
1、We must listen to the growing number of Africans who are telling us they want markets and opportunities, not aid dependency.───我们也必须拓宽视野。 我们必须倾听越来越多的非洲国家的意见:它们需要的是市场与机会,而不是是依赖援助。
2、It tries to extract the dependency rule from a finite number of examples, with the ultimate aim of predicting the future unknown samples as accurate as possible.───它利用有限数量的观测来寻求待求的依赖关系,目标是在未来样本上的预测越准确越好。
3、well-formed dependency graph will show a minimal number of dependencies.───格式正确的依赖项关系图显示的依赖关系数量将很少。