1、Assume it will take far longer than any other project you've previously done.───要料想到它可能比你以往的其他项目更耗时间。
2、It will take far more than enlightened entrepreneurs, investors, and CEOs to bring this revolution to a boil.───这会让那些明智的企业家,投资者和CEO首席执行官们来把这个技术发展引向GaoChao。
3、It was the first time George became aware that return journeys can take far longer.───乔治直到这时才意识到返程竟要这么久。
4、machine can examine a circuit board for faults almost instantly. A human would take far longer to do the same thing, and would be less accurate.───测试产品的仪器能够几乎立刻发现印刷电路板的缺陷,如果同样的任务由人来完成,那将花费很长的时间,而且不如机器准确。
5、Even so, Euro-optimists say, it has been able to take far-reaching, even unpopular, decisions in times of need.───然而即便如此,对欧元持乐观态度的人们还是认为,欧盟有能力向前发展,消除不和谐,并在必要时做出决断。
6、it will take far longer than any other project you've previously done.───要料想到它可能比你以往的其他项目更耗时间。
7、Many publishers, for example, still take far too long to get books to market in print or electronic form, missing valuable opportunities.───例如许多出版商印刷图书或者是电子版上线的周期过长以至于失去了有价值的商机。
8、But that power comes with a price: Wildcard searches typically take far longer to process than any other search types discussed previously.───但是这种强大是建立在:比其他类型的搜索浪费更多的处理器占用上的。
9、Victory will take far more than brute firepower on the battlefield.───胜利不仅仅取决于战场上的血拼肉搏
take far(英语使用场景)
1、It will take far more than this book to help you make your own judgments regarding political reality.
2、My only quarrel with this plan is that it's going to take far too long.
3、Take far too long. Crack open the fruitcake and let's eat!
4、It will take far longer to calculate other losses.
take far(意思翻译)
take far(相似词语短语)
1、that far───那么远;到那里为止;那么远,到那里为止
2、take take───接受接受接受
3、far off───久远的;远,在远处的;遥远的;遥远地
4、far far away───千里迢迢
5、how far go far───走多远
6、take me far───带我走远点
7、take it so far───到目前为止
9、its far───太远了
take far(双语使用场景)
1、Assume it will take far longer than any other project you've previously done.───要料想到它可能比你以往的其他项目更耗时间。
2、It will take far more than enlightened entrepreneurs, investors, and CEOs to bring this revolution to a boil.───这会让那些明智的企业家,投资者和CEO首席执行官们来把这个技术发展引向GaoChao。
3、It was the first time George became aware that return journeys can take far longer.───乔治直到这时才意识到返程竟要这么久。
4、machine can examine a circuit board for faults almost instantly. A human would take far longer to do the same thing, and would be less accurate.───测试产品的仪器能够几乎立刻发现印刷电路板的缺陷,如果同样的任务由人来完成,那将花费很长的时间,而且不如机器准确。
5、Even so, Euro-optimists say, it has been able to take far-reaching, even unpopular, decisions in times of need.───然而即便如此,对欧元持乐观态度的人们还是认为,欧盟有能力向前发展,消除不和谐,并在必要时做出决断。
6、it will take far longer than any other project you've previously done.───要料想到它可能比你以往的其他项目更耗时间。
7、Many publishers, for example, still take far too long to get books to market in print or electronic form, missing valuable opportunities.───例如许多出版商印刷图书或者是电子版上线的周期过长以至于失去了有价值的商机。
8、But that power comes with a price: Wildcard searches typically take far longer to process than any other search types discussed previously.───但是这种强大是建立在:比其他类型的搜索浪费更多的处理器占用上的。
9、Victory will take far more than brute firepower on the battlefield.───胜利不仅仅取决于战场上的血拼肉搏
take far(英语使用场景)
1、It will take far more than this book to help you make your own judgments regarding political reality.
2、My only quarrel with this plan is that it's going to take far too long.
3、Take far too long. Crack open the fruitcake and let's eat!
4、It will take far longer to calculate other losses.