1、Tom lowered their heads in shame, he thought: all blame yourself no review well.───汤姆惭愧地低下了头,他心里想:都怪自己没有好好复习。
2、Everyone loses temper on occasion, so don't blame yourself too hard.───每个人都会偶尔控制不住脾气,所以不要过分自责。
3、If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches.───假如你日常生活似乎贫瘠,不要怪罪它;要怪罪你自己,告诉你自己你无法如诗人般的唤起它的丰富。
4、You cannot blame yourself for this.───你不必如此自责啊。
5、Even if you didn't pass the final exam, also don't blame yourself at the beginning of next term, because you may still in the exam again.───即使你没有通过期末考试,也不要自责,因为下学期开学时你还可以在考一次。
6、Please don't blame yourself.───请不要责怪你自己。
7、His death has nothing to do with you and you needn't to blame yourself too much.───他的死和你毫无关系,你不要太过自责。
8、(Sad) Please do not blame yourself. There is nothing you could have done. It was. Fate.───(悲伤)请不要怪责你自己。能做的你已经做了。这只是……命运。
9、But if it is badly designed, the process will seem so confusing that you will probably blame yourself for doing something wrong.───如果UI设计的差,这一过程将令人困惑不已,甚至于你都会责怪自己做错了什么。
blame yourself(英语使用场景)
1、Don't blame yourself for that choice; you had reasons for adopting it at the time.
2、But don't blame yourself - you couldn't have been expected to warn me and risk your own job.
3、A typical example is the tendency to blame yourself for instance, for smoking for many years before developing lung cancer.
blame yourself(意思翻译)
blame yourself(相似词语短语)
1、blame on───怪到…头上;把责任推给…
2、blame oneself───自讼;自咎;引咎自责
3、yourself or yourself───你自己还是你自己
5、blame you───怪你
7、misplaced blame───错怪
8、blame me───怪我
9、blame game───n.(非正式)指责游戏;推卸责任的行为
blame yourself(双语使用场景)
1、Tom lowered their heads in shame, he thought: all blame yourself no review well.───汤姆惭愧地低下了头,他心里想:都怪自己没有好好复习。
2、Everyone loses temper on occasion, so don't blame yourself too hard.───每个人都会偶尔控制不住脾气,所以不要过分自责。
3、If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches.───假如你日常生活似乎贫瘠,不要怪罪它;要怪罪你自己,告诉你自己你无法如诗人般的唤起它的丰富。
4、You cannot blame yourself for this.───你不必如此自责啊。
5、Even if you didn't pass the final exam, also don't blame yourself at the beginning of next term, because you may still in the exam again.───即使你没有通过期末考试,也不要自责,因为下学期开学时你还可以在考一次。
6、Please don't blame yourself.───请不要责怪你自己。
7、His death has nothing to do with you and you needn't to blame yourself too much.───他的死和你毫无关系,你不要太过自责。
8、(Sad) Please do not blame yourself. There is nothing you could have done. It was. Fate.───(悲伤)请不要怪责你自己。能做的你已经做了。这只是……命运。
9、But if it is badly designed, the process will seem so confusing that you will probably blame yourself for doing something wrong.───如果UI设计的差,这一过程将令人困惑不已,甚至于你都会责怪自己做错了什么。
blame yourself(英语使用场景)
1、Don't blame yourself for that choice; you had reasons for adopting it at the time.
2、But don't blame yourself - you couldn't have been expected to warn me and risk your own job.
3、A typical example is the tendency to blame yourself for instance, for smoking for many years before developing lung cancer.