1、I did not dare to down thought, I hope the Palace where the swallow can be perfectly healthy to grow up and want to swallow one every year happily excited to live in my home.───我不敢再往下想,我希望“宫殿”里的小燕子能健健康康地长大,希望燕子一家每年都能开开心心地兴奋地生活在我家。
2、The farmer did not dare to live at home the while; and after three months he made up his mind to stand it no more, and went and told them that the priest was coming.───农夫不敢住在家里;三个月后,他忍无可忍,决定告诉它们神父要来了。
dare not live up to(意思翻译)
dare not live up to(相似词语短语)
1、live up───v.快乐地过日子
2、i dare not───我不敢
3、dare to lead───敢于领导
4、dare to───敢于
5、not live───不是活的
6、live to live───活着就是为了活着
7、dare not do───不敢做
8、dare not───不敢
9、live up to───符合(标准),不负(盛名);不辜负;做到;实践
dare not live up to(双语使用场景)
1、I did not dare to down thought, I hope the Palace where the swallow can be perfectly healthy to grow up and want to swallow one every year happily excited to live in my home.───我不敢再往下想,我希望“宫殿”里的小燕子能健健康康地长大,希望燕子一家每年都能开开心心地兴奋地生活在我家。
2、The farmer did not dare to live at home the while; and after three months he made up his mind to stand it no more, and went and told them that the priest was coming.───农夫不敢住在家里;三个月后,他忍无可忍,决定告诉它们神父要来了。