1、Right now, the recommended dose from food and supplements is about 400 international units a day for most people, but most experts agree that is probably too low.───目前,对大多数人来说建议的食物补剂量约每天400个国际单位,但多数专家认为可能太低了。
2、Even the most optimistic experts agree wave energy will probably account for about 15% of the world's renewable energy portfolio.───即使是最乐观的专家也同意,海浪能将会占据世界上可再生资源15%的份额。
3、But most outsiders agree that reality is probably far less dramatic.───但大多数外人觉得现实远没有如此戏剧性。
most probably agree(意思翻译)
most probably agree(相似词语短语)
1、awake probably───可能醒着
2、agree onscopy───同意副本
3、strongly agree───强烈赞同
4、probably possible───可能吧
6、probably find───可能找到
7、most probably───看来;多分;想必;很可能地
most probably agree(双语使用场景)
1、Right now, the recommended dose from food and supplements is about 400 international units a day for most people, but most experts agree that is probably too low.───目前,对大多数人来说建议的食物补剂量约每天400个国际单位,但多数专家认为可能太低了。
2、Even the most optimistic experts agree wave energy will probably account for about 15% of the world's renewable energy portfolio.───即使是最乐观的专家也同意,海浪能将会占据世界上可再生资源15%的份额。
3、But most outsiders agree that reality is probably far less dramatic.───但大多数外人觉得现实远没有如此戏剧性。