1、Online gaming took two slots in the list for the first time with the free multi-player game RuneScape at No. 7 and Fantasy Football at No. 8.───网络游戏今年首次跻身雅虎十大热门搜索榜,免费联众游戏“江湖”和“梦幻足球”分别名列第七位和第八位。
2、Toyota fantasy Enhancer consists of 3 tools that enhance the fantasy football game.───由丰田幻想增强,增强了梦幻足球游戏3工具。
3、Toyota Fantasy Enhancer consists of 3 tools that enhance the fantasy football game.───由丰田幻想增强,增强了梦幻足球游戏3工具。
fantasy football game(意思翻译)
fantasy football game(相似词语短语)
1、fantasy football───n.虚拟足球赛(人们选择现实中的足球运动员组成一支虚拟的球队,以球员的实际表现计分);梦幻足球
3、fantastical football game───梦幻足球赛
4、football game───[体]踢足球;足球赛;橄榄球比赛
5、injuries fantasy football───伤病梦幻足球
6、a football game───足球比赛
7、slavonic fantasy───斯拉夫幻想
8、fantasy football yahoo───梦幻足球雅虎
fantasy football game(双语使用场景)
1、Online gaming took two slots in the list for the first time with the free multi-player game RuneScape at No. 7 and Fantasy Football at No. 8.───网络游戏今年首次跻身雅虎十大热门搜索榜,免费联众游戏“江湖”和“梦幻足球”分别名列第七位和第八位。
2、Toyota fantasy Enhancer consists of 3 tools that enhance the fantasy football game.───由丰田幻想增强,增强了梦幻足球游戏3工具。
3、Toyota Fantasy Enhancer consists of 3 tools that enhance the fantasy football game.───由丰田幻想增强,增强了梦幻足球游戏3工具。