1、He went back to his brothers and said, "The boy isn't there! Where can I turn now? "───回到兄弟们那里说:“童子没有了!我往哪里去才好呢?”
2、you're going to be drinking pee soon. Recycled wastewater is coming to a tap near you--if it isn't there already.───再利用的污水很快就会成为你的自来水,而对有些人来说这已经是现实了。
3、Not Spain again! Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.───别再提西班牙了!去过那儿,没劲,就买了这件T恤。
4、There is tension in the string, t.───而绳子有张力。
5、Aren\'t there angry girls, too?───天下就没有爱生气的女孩?
6、It would have been a lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way.───如果爱德华不在那里,它就会是一件运气更坏的事。他从方法敲击了我。
7、But at that moment, she doesn't stop to think why aren't there more presents or to wonder what she may have asked for that she didn't get.───但是此刻,她想到的并不是这里为什么没有那么多礼物,或者自己还能得到什么未曾拥有的东西。
8、Well, actually, he wasn't there all the time, but still I think he saw enough to give some valuable insight on the matter.───好吧,事实上,他当时不是一直都在场的,但是我仍然认为他看见的已经足够对这件事提供些有价值的看法。
9、Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about? -Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.───有人知道圣诞节是怎么回事吗?-_当然,查理布朗,我能告诉你圣诞节是怎么回事。
t there(英语使用场景)
1、As with so many things in I/T, there is a trade-off to consider.
2、“TRIP intends to hold agencies to a common time frame, but we aren’t there yet,” she said.
3、ANSWER: T There are basically two types of contracts: flat price and cost analysis.
4、You are a man of science, I said. You dont believe that, do you?Isnt there a natural explanation for the sound?
t there(意思翻译)
t there(相似词语短语)
1、there right there───就在那儿
2、no there isn t───不,没有
3、there aren t───没有
4、t is there───t在那里
5、there isn t───没有
6、there there───在那里
7、t t───abbr.电汇 (Telegraphic Transfer);总时间 (Total Time);技术术语 (Technical Term);经结核菌素试验的 (Tuberculin Tested)
9、no there aren t───不,没有
t there(双语使用场景)
1、He went back to his brothers and said, "The boy isn't there! Where can I turn now? "───回到兄弟们那里说:“童子没有了!我往哪里去才好呢?”
2、you're going to be drinking pee soon. Recycled wastewater is coming to a tap near you--if it isn't there already.───再利用的污水很快就会成为你的自来水,而对有些人来说这已经是现实了。
3、Not Spain again! Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.───别再提西班牙了!去过那儿,没劲,就买了这件T恤。
4、There is tension in the string, t.───而绳子有张力。
5、Aren\'t there angry girls, too?───天下就没有爱生气的女孩?
6、It would have been a lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way.───如果爱德华不在那里,它就会是一件运气更坏的事。他从方法敲击了我。
7、But at that moment, she doesn't stop to think why aren't there more presents or to wonder what she may have asked for that she didn't get.───但是此刻,她想到的并不是这里为什么没有那么多礼物,或者自己还能得到什么未曾拥有的东西。
8、Well, actually, he wasn't there all the time, but still I think he saw enough to give some valuable insight on the matter.───好吧,事实上,他当时不是一直都在场的,但是我仍然认为他看见的已经足够对这件事提供些有价值的看法。
9、Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about? -Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.───有人知道圣诞节是怎么回事吗?-_当然,查理布朗,我能告诉你圣诞节是怎么回事。
t there(英语使用场景)
1、As with so many things in I/T, there is a trade-off to consider.
2、“TRIP intends to hold agencies to a common time frame, but we aren’t there yet,” she said.
3、ANSWER: T There are basically two types of contracts: flat price and cost analysis.
4、You are a man of science, I said. You dont believe that, do you?Isnt there a natural explanation for the sound?