1、She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.───她试图向他指出他的做法不公正,但无济于事。
2、What change in her appearance does Roslin point out to Baltar when she visits him in the brig in Escape Velocity?───在“极速偏离”这集中,当罗丝琳去禁闭室探望波塔尔时,她告诉了博塔尔自己有什么变化?
3、Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you.───尽管如此,我还是有责任向你指出,她并没有拒绝你。
4、What we have been trying to point out to people are the dangers of crossing.───我们一直试图在做的是,告诉人们,偷渡是危险的。
5、Please kindly point out to me if I said anything improperly.───不当之处,请同修慈悲指正。
6、If your daughter volunteers to clean you house, you can't point out to her, the way you could when she was a teenager, the dust she missed.───如果女儿主动帮你打扫房间,你不能指出她有些地方打扫得干净,落下了灰尘,而在她十几岁的时候你完全可以这么做。
7、Point out to the stout man that the bins further on are empty and offer to put his bag there as you move on.───告诉那位矮胖的男人前面更远一些的行李箱是空着的,并主动帮他把包放过去。
8、I don't know if you can see, probably not, what's written on here, so let me point out to you a few things.───我不知道大家是否知道,这很可能不是其中的一种,那么让我来为大家指出一些事实。
point out to(英语使用场景)
1、I point out to the hon. Member for Ogmore that the Sunday trading laws could be suspended only by primary legislation.
2、She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.
3、JUDGE having sentenced a Malefactor to the penitentiary was proceeding to point out to him the disadvantages of crime and the profit of reformation.
4、Pointed out our group builds a few problems that go up grandly, and most those who make us open-eyed is them still point out to there are two flaws on product safety.
5、What change in her appearance does Roslin point out to Baltar when she visits him in the brig in Escape Velocity?
6、However, you should point out to the parents any overlap between problems.
7、She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of the situation.
8、Gwynn and I often point out to each other the little things that make us just oh so happy.
point out to(意思翻译)
point out to(相似词语短语)
1、out to───试图
2、to point out───指出
3、point it out───指出它
4、in point to───指向
5、point out with───指出
6、authors point out───作者指出
7、point to hello───指向“你好”
8、point out───指出,把注意力引向…; 提示; 点明; 指明;指出,指明
9、point to───指向;表明;显示…的位置[方向]; 表明; 指画; 指
point out to(双语使用场景)
1、She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.───她试图向他指出他的做法不公正,但无济于事。
2、What change in her appearance does Roslin point out to Baltar when she visits him in the brig in Escape Velocity?───在“极速偏离”这集中,当罗丝琳去禁闭室探望波塔尔时,她告诉了博塔尔自己有什么变化?
3、Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you.───尽管如此,我还是有责任向你指出,她并没有拒绝你。
4、What we have been trying to point out to people are the dangers of crossing.───我们一直试图在做的是,告诉人们,偷渡是危险的。
5、Please kindly point out to me if I said anything improperly.───不当之处,请同修慈悲指正。
6、If your daughter volunteers to clean you house, you can't point out to her, the way you could when she was a teenager, the dust she missed.───如果女儿主动帮你打扫房间,你不能指出她有些地方打扫得干净,落下了灰尘,而在她十几岁的时候你完全可以这么做。
7、Point out to the stout man that the bins further on are empty and offer to put his bag there as you move on.───告诉那位矮胖的男人前面更远一些的行李箱是空着的,并主动帮他把包放过去。
8、I don't know if you can see, probably not, what's written on here, so let me point out to you a few things.───我不知道大家是否知道,这很可能不是其中的一种,那么让我来为大家指出一些事实。
point out to(英语使用场景)
1、I point out to the hon. Member for Ogmore that the Sunday trading laws could be suspended only by primary legislation.
2、She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.
3、JUDGE having sentenced a Malefactor to the penitentiary was proceeding to point out to him the disadvantages of crime and the profit of reformation.
4、Pointed out our group builds a few problems that go up grandly, and most those who make us open-eyed is them still point out to there are two flaws on product safety.
5、What change in her appearance does Roslin point out to Baltar when she visits him in the brig in Escape Velocity?
6、However, you should point out to the parents any overlap between problems.
7、She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of the situation.
8、Gwynn and I often point out to each other the little things that make us just oh so happy.